Comfort Zone

994 120 31

Earth 2

New locks Tay out of his home. If the man is serious about wanting to see his Thitipoom or his facsimile, he needs to do it outside. In the open where everyone can see them.

"You've got to be shitting me." Tay roars behind the door. He jiggles the handle. "Fucking open up!"

"No, you heard my conditions." New stands his ground. What makes this Tay so optimistic that he can be intimidated? "Take it or leave it. I'm done talking to you."

The door shakes from a kick. "Good riddance, Thitipoom. Fucking pain in the ass." He pounds the barrier between them once more and stomps away.

The next day, in the GMM building, New's elevator stops on the second floor and Tay gets on. He recollects their chance encounter in the elevator a few weeks ago. This begs the question, how many times has he coincidentally joined Thitipoom's elevator on the second floor?

"I've been thinking—," he starts.

"I hope you didn't hurt yourself."

He eyes New and repeats in a firm tone. "I've been thinking about what you said. Let's eat out. Soufflé and Soufflé at 12 tomorrow." He hides his desperation behind thin lips and slanted brows. "It's what you want, isn't it?"

New rests his back against the metal walls. Years of experience as an actor prove useful in quashing his smile. "I couldn't say no after all this begging now, could I?"

Tay brings along Arm and Off on their date. They are his emotional buffer. New does not mind their presence. He genuinely delights in the peculiarities of this earth's Off and Arm. He spends the afternoon with his friends in a corner booth over a mountain of pancakes.

On their next date, Gun tags along.

"He insisted on coming," Tay explains.

New wonders if Gun also knows about the true nature of their relationship. He does not ask. This date is a lot less fun than the first. He isn't sure of how to act around this earth's Gun.

It is just the two of them the third time. Tay sits in silence as he stuffs his belly full of desserts. Then he begs Tay to take his photos. He is appalled by the outcome. This Tay is no photographer. New teases him about it on the ride back to his condo.

"Do you want to come up?" Tay asks in front of his building.

"A formal invitation into the almighty Tay Tawan's home?"

"Forget it." He reaches for the door handle with a huff.

New grabs his arm, laughing. "Hey wait, I would've loved to go up and stare at your portraits for the rest of the evening. However, I'm exhausted. I want to get some rest. But—," He lifts a brow. "I could come up if you'd let me sleep over."

Tay peeks down at the fingers around his arm. He shakes his head. "I don't think that's a good idea, Thitipoom."

New lets go. He coils his hands by his side. Looks out the windshield. "You're right. I'll see you tomorrow or whenever."

"Look at me, Thitipoom." New's gaze locks on sharp eyes. Why he cannot spend the night becomes more clear. "I will see you tomorrow, okay?"

He nods. "Okay. Goodnight." It feels unscrupulous. He is stealing yet another moment meant for his double. He drives home heavy-laden.

By midnight, their date is all over the internet. He is not surprised. It isn't as much a big deal as before. Tay and New have reconciled their differences is not the hottest news anymore.

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