Soul Snatching: Chapter 20!

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“Go back to your little Tara, just know that in the end you’re going to have to leave her,” she spat back.

He didn’t respond to her as he walked away, towards my direction.

Now, the question is, what am I going to do?


I stood there, frozen behind the tree, just like an idiot. All the events that just happened were fresh in my mind. His betrayal brought fresh tears to my eyes. I don’t know what I am more upset about, the fact that he betrayed me or the fact that I was stupid enough to fall for it. I would have to be heartbroken about all of that later, for now I had to decide what to do with Paul.

If I tell him that I know then that would just put me in the position to kill him, right now it doesn’t sound like the worst of ideas. Could the first person I kill really be Paul? As much as I wished that it could be, I have a gut feeling that right now I am not in the best emotional state to kill him.

I can just go back to camp and pretend like none of this ever happened. Will I be able to work with him knowing that right after Hunter is dead, so am I? Well chances are I can kill Paul in a one-on-one battle, that was the plan from the very beginning, but what if his stupid ‘girlfriend’ decides to help him? Can I really take on the both of them? The image of her clean hands clouded my mind, there is no way that Paul would win against me, even if she was helping him.

Then why is it so difficult to think about killing him now? I lost my train of thought as Paul’s figure was rapidly approaching me. I still hadn’t decided what to do so I quickly made a left and ran in that direction.

I ended up in a clearing I was all too familiar with. It was the same place that I officially met Hunter for the first time. I walked over to the spot where a dropped the berries I was collecting. I knelt down and touched the dirt mixed with the slimy juices of the berry. Eventually, I ended up in front of the berry bush eating my troubles away. I was never really the kind of person to vent out my emotions with food, but right now I felt as if there was really nothing else to do, so I ate. I ate until I was sure my hands would be stained yellow for good. After all of the ripe berries of that innocent bush were devoured the flood of tears released themselves from the confinement of my eyes.

I am not sure how much time I spent crying, and feeling weak. I hate feeling weak. The feeling that someone had the power to make me cry. The feeling that I was so stupid for believing that Paul could ever even like me. At this point, the hurt that Paul caused me was nothing compared to the surging amount of self-hate I am experiencing. If I never let Paul get into my heart none of this would have happened.

I got up to go back to his shelter. As much as I didn’t want to at this point I am extremely vulnerable. If Hunter came along and tried to kill me, there is no doubt in my mind that he would succeed.

I have made my decision, I am not going to show any signs of me knowing about him and that girl. After Hunter is gone I will kill Paul and then I will kill her. Honestly, this whole Paul situation turned out to be a good thing for me. Now it will be easier to kill him, when the time comes. For now I will pretend to be a pawn, pretend like I am his little puppet, but in reality I am the one pulling the strings.

It is funny how when I am unconscious of where I am going, I am better at making it back to the shelter. It was twilight when I saw Paul worriedly pacing around the shelter. There was a pang in my heart. I don’t understand why he is worried about me, if he didn’t really like me. This is all just an act I said to myself, over and over again.

“Where were you?” His voice was a mixture of relief and anger. My fists clenched, he had no right to be angry at me, I should be the one ripping his pretty little head off.

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