Chapter 5

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(Willows POV)
Three Years Later.....
After that day, Elijah had taken me to the home that him and his siblings share in London, England. It is a grand house, with a great big chimney that took up half a wall. On the mantle were various pictures of me and my new family together. My favorite one, was taken the third day after I came to Michelson Manner after Elijah had given me some of his blood to heal me. We were all out in a park, me sitting in the middle, Kol (someone tell me if I spell any of the originals name wrong!) was behind me with a bottle of water aimed over my head. Rebekah was sitting in the tree branch above me, Niklaus was standing behind Kol reaching for the bottle with an amused/murderous look in his eyes, and Elijah was staring wide eyed at the bottle of water, mid stance to get away from the water that was going to stain his suit. I smile at the memory and continue to hold on the the human I was currently draining. I could feel the strength as the warm liquid made it's way down my throat. After I am done, I toss the body over the London Bridge. I giggle to myself as I walk back to the manner. Opening the door, Father rushes in with a pissed look. "Where have you been?!" I role my eyes. "I was hungry!" I say defensively. He nods and gestures with his hand to go to bed. "Ahh come on! I don't need a bedtime!" He raises and eyebrow. "Child. Your only four years old." I smirk. "Technically I'm thirteen." He mock glares at me. "True but you only look it." I throw my hands up in defeat. "Fine. Fine. I'm going. See you in the morning Daddy." His eyes soften at the name. He adopted me a week after I came here. Not I was legally a Michelson and was highly confident that they wouldn't stake me either. 'But one can never be to sure.' I groan as the voice comes back. Going into my room, I change I to a black sports bra and a loose tank with a pair of high waisted pastel green shorts. I look at the time. 1:00am. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding and chuck the old blood stained clothes I always wear for hunting and feeding. Crawling under the covers, I fall into a deep dreamless sleep.
Sometimes dreams are more forgiving than reality.
I groan as I wake up. Rolling off the bed I land with a small thunk. Tubing my bottom I stand up and look in the mirror. Ive changed a lot since coming here. When I left the Salvatore brothers, I had weigh 98.1 pounds and you could easily count everyone of my outer bones. Now, I weighed about 140 and could barley see my cheek bones. I had colored my hair. It now a mixture of blue and green (on the slide). I preferred the emo look but currently had started to add a little color into the black. I wouldn't say I had a small chest, but it wasn't big either. Walking into my closet, I chose I top that's had that words "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." Printed on the front with a pair of legging that had multiple holes in them. I grab a pair o red army boots and put the "mischief manged" necklace on. Grabbing a fake wand that I made real, I twist into my hair, forming a messy bun. As you can see, I never grew out of my Harry Potter addiction. I put contacts in, making my corneas look bigger and my bright blue eyes a radiating green. I look into the mirror again, satisfied, I walk outside if my room into the hallway of the the fourth floor. It's had one of those stairways that wrapped around the walls so I could see all the way to the lounge floor. Without a second thought a swung my leg over the banner and jump the four stories to the ground. Being the fantastic hybrid I am, I landed perfectly bending my knees jut so. I look around. Strange. Nobody's home. I walk to the couch and see a note on the tv screen above the fireplace. I read it. ___________
Bekah went shopping, Nick and I have business to attend to, and Kol went to a joke shop. Have fun and don't leave the house.
I grab a blood bag and plunk myself down on the couch. Flipping through episodes, I settle with a rerun of "sister sister" that I've seen millions of times. About an hour later, I'm currently about to fall asleep, as I am watching Ouija. Not really that scary BTW.
(This story is set during the 2000 BTW! Right now, it's 2005.)
I an just going to sleep, when the fireplace bust I to flames. I stare at the green flames as A boy pops out and lands and the floor in front of my feet. The boy looks around. He has black hair and green eyes. His glasses appear to have been broken, as the are tapped together. When his eyes land on me.. Or rather the blood bag dangling from my lips, he takes out a stick and points it at me. "Who the hell are you?" He asks. I cock my eyebrow. "Shouldn't I be asking that question considering you just piped out of my chimney?" He appears to mull it over. "I'm Harry Potter." I laugh at this. I'm laughing so hard that I have to wipe away tears. "Yeah right. Your totally the-boy-who-lived! And I'm Hermione Granger!" I continue to woo away tears as the fire place bust into flames again. "Did someone say my name?" I stare incredulously at the frizzy haired girl that pops out. Soon the predictable red head comes out. "Ron Wealsy!" I screech an tackle him in a hug. He stares at me like I'm crazy. "Who te bloody hell are you?!" I sit back down on the couch and gesture to the...golden trio to set on the numerous chairs around me. "Right then. Who are you actually?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. They look at me. Finally Hermione or whoever clear her throat. "I'm Hermione Granger, that's Harry Potter, and that's Ron Wealy." I look at the Harry impersonator. I get up and grab the boys collar, shoving him into a wall. Hermione and Ron instantly get out the wands. But I place my hand over the boys throat. I look into his eyes, and reach up to move his bangs. When I do I see the lightning scar. "Now fucking way. This is just to cool!" I instantly go I to fangirl mode. "Any body want refreshments?!" They reply with small "sure" and I gasp from Harry. "Oops so sorry!" I say as I remove him from the wall. Running into the kitchen I listen to there conversation. "Who is that?" Ron asks. I here Hermione answer. "I don't know. I thinks she is a muggle." I can't help but laugh at that. Walking back into the living room I look at Hermione. "I assure you that I am no muggle." Their eyes widen. "You heard that?" Harry asks. I nod my head and hand them the boxes of apple juice. I run back into the kitchen and grab a blood bag. When I come back, thy look at the bag. "Do have an IV for that?" Hermione ask. I laugh at her and place I straw I to the top. Taking a sip I watch the looks of horror pass on their face. I role my eyes at them. I look at Ron. "How's the joke shop going for you brothers?" His eyes widen. "You know them?" I shake my head. Walking I to the library I hand Hermione the Harry Potter book series. Her eyes widen as she flips through them. "It has ever thing that's ever happened to is in here!" She squeaks out. I nod my head when a question rises into my head. "Why did you floo into my home?" Harry shrugs. "We were trying to get to our friend Michelson's manner." I nod my head. "Welcome Michelson Manner. I'm your host Willow Michelson." Their eyes widen. "Oh." Ron whispers out.

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