Chapter 4

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(Willows pov)
Three days after talking to Elijah, I grumpily get out off bed. Looking into the mirror, I see my reflection. Looking at it, I notice something. I look awful. Their are dark bags under my eyes, I've lost weight. I don't know how I haven't noticed. Walking into my closet, I pull out a pair of high wasted coral shorts and a tank that say "sometimes dreams are more forgiving than reality." It stops an inch above my naval. Before I put the outfit on, I grab a bikini set that looks like the solar solar system. After putting everything on, I go for make up. I rub some concealer on the dark circles under my eyes and think of a new power. Making myself look like something I'm not. I concentrate, making my stomach look healthy. I can still see what I actually look like tho. When I look in the mirror I see a happy, healthy, and nice version of me in the mirror. But when I take off the glamor, I see the miserably, depressed shell I the fake me, but it's actully the real me. You can count my ribes, and when I bend over, you can see my spin. I look like Bella when she was pregnant with us. But with blond hair and blue eyes and minus the babies. My eyes are what scare me the most. They look so...dark. Like at any given moment I will go on a killing spree. Shrugging my shoulders, I place the glamor back on and start the day of pretending to be happy and healthy. Walking down into the kitchen, I'm surprised to see that nobody is there. Usually their is somebody here to make sure I take the medicine. Oh well. I am just gonna say I "forgot". *laughs evilly* I open the fridge on grab a blood bag. If they get creeped out...oh well. I'm hungry. I jerk my head up when I here I thump from outside. Heading towards the door, I grab a stake just in case. Stepping onto the porch I let out a little giggle. I see Stefan crouching over Damon. "Don't you ever touch Elena EVER agian!" My eyes widen as he aimed his own wooden stick at Damon. Just as it's about one inch from Damon's cheat, I grab Stefan and lush him against the house wall. "If you ever try and hurt Damon because of that clone, I'll steal your ring and push out the front door naked. Then I'll dance on your ashes and force Elena to eat them." Yeah I know strange punishment. But. I am a strange hybrid. His eyes widen as I finish the statement. "Your wouldn't. Your to nice." I smirk at this. I grab his hand and steal his ring. I watch as he starts to burn. After about five seconds I place it back on his finger. "Willow totally would." I say as I walk into the woods, Damon and Stefan staring after me. I hear a branch snap, and right as I turn, someone stakes me. Looking around I see Stefan standing there, holding the bloody stake. "Wha?" I manage to choke out. "You showed just how evil you can be. Now I have to kill you." Is all he says. I star at him, feeling the pain and hurt radiate through my chest. I stare at my brother, the man who played dress up with me, you kill a lion for me. I look at his eyes, the don't hold any gilt. I feel a tear make it's way down my chin and dripping onto the wooden stick poking out of my chest. I look down at the stake. I trace the tear with my finger. "Your just like the Cullens. It's just so...fascinating how you can trust a person. Call them brother. And then they stab...well stake in this case, you in the back. I wish I hadn't been born. My life's just to much torcher." I feel my power give away, the glamor giving up. I watch as my stomach shrinks. I can feel the streak turn to the deepest blue ever made. I'm just so depressing aren't I? But I don't take my eyes of of the stake, watching as my blood pores it's way out. You rub some between my finger and bring it to my lips. "Dude did you find her? She needs to come back so she can take her med-"I look up as Damon enters the clearing we are in. I realize it looks like Bella and Edwards clearing. Fitting I die her. Even if it's not the same place. I here him let out a strangled gasp. I look at Stefan, he hasn't seen my state without the glamor yet but, seeing Damon's horrified ace he turn. His eyes widen.I give him a glare. Collapsing to the ground, I motion Damon to come I me. I put all my energy into my hand. I place it in his cheek, showing him everything I've ever felt in my life. All the things I've seen, the pain I've felt. All the way up to this current moment. I figured someone needs to know why I actually tried to kill myself. He looks at me. "Why didn't you tell us?" I give him a small smile. Then I hear a growl from the other side of the clearing. I look over and and see...."E-Elijah?" I hear him run to my side. "Who did this?" He growls. I look at him. I know I can't die from a stake but I CAN die from blood loss. And at the moment. I've lost half of my blood. I tug on Elijah's sleeve like a one year old. Wait, I am one. "Blood l-loss." I mange to croak out. He nods and picks me up. I hear Stefan and Damon protest but Elijah hushes them. "I saw what Stefan did. You don't get the right to call her family after this. She actually contacted me to come and take her because of that dreadful medicine you give her, when it's actually the medication that's making her mental." Damon looks down in shame. "The medicine makes her feel sane!" Stefan growls. At this I stiffen. Not being stein enough to talk, I send him every memory I me telling him the medicine makes me feel bad. His red widen as it dawns on him. Looking at me he croaks out. "I'm sorry Willow." Then everything blurs as Elijah takes me away. _____________________________________
Hi! Author speaking!
To harsh? I felt like is just had to make it a little by more dramatic. Give her a reason to hate them. Ok well I am a dramatic person.
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