"He's Also A Vampire."

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"Landon Kirby, Milton Greasley." Alaric said

"Come on, Dr. Saltzman." MG said

"Right. MG. I'm sorry. Take it from a guy named Alaric. I get it. Landon, MG is my student aide." Alaric said

"He's also a vampire." Hope said

"Of course he is. You know, for a school with a secret to keep, you're kind of liberal with your information." Landon said

"Well, we don't actually intend for you to remember any of it." Meadow said and MG came over to Landon and put his hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eye.

"Forget everything you've seen or learned since last night. All you need to know is that your friend has found a home where he can live a better life. You'll miss him. But you know it's for the best." MG said
Trying to sire Landon to forget.

"Are you two out of your minds? How could I forget any of this?" Landon asked and moved MG's hand off his shoulder.

"MG, did you do it wrong?" Meadow said

"No, I didn't do it wrong. It's the easiest vampire trick in the book." MG said

"Well, it didn't work." Hope said

"Obviously, it didn't work." MG said and Landon tried to walk out of the office when MG used his Vampire speed and stopped him then MG put his hand on Landon's neck squeezing his neck making Landon pass out.

"Careful. Get him to the cellar." Alaric said, opening the door.

"This is not good. This is bad." Meadow said

—-A While Later In The Cellar—-

After MG put Landon in the cellar Landon finally wakes up after some hours seeing he was put in a cellar and no one was around he started looking for ways to get out and then he started having flashbacks from his past in one of his many foster homes.

—-Flash Back—-

Landon was having a flashback of a time when he was a kid and one of his foster fathers had made him go into a closet leaving him in there by himself with no way out.

"No!" Young Landon said

"Come here..." Landon foster father said

"No!" Young Landon said as his foster father dragged him into a closet.

"You sit here and think about it." Landon's foster father said and left out the closet locking the door and leaving Landon in there.

"Please, don't lock me in here! Please!" Young Landon said, hitting the door repeatedly telling his foster father to let him out.


Hope comes down to the cellar to check on Landon to see if he is awake yet and that makes Landon get out of his own head and out of old traumatic memories from his childhood.

"Landon." Hope said

"Hope. Can you get me out of here?" Landon asked

"Not yet. But you're not a prisoner here, I swear." Hope said

"I'm in a witch dungeon." Landon said

"It's a werewolf transition space." Hope said

"Super. I'm not so good with, you know... small spaces." Landon said

"We won't keep you here long. No one expected you couldn't be compelled." Hope said

" I don't know what that means." Landon said

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