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The mountains leading up to the Mao Monastery were treacherous, with tall looming trees that blocked any sight of the horizon line, and steep uneven faces. Every inch of the mountain looks no different the last, and with no distinguishing landmarks, it was easy to lose your way.

Brunhilde on the other hand, had made the trek up and down the mountain so many times, she knew the secret path up by muscle memory alone.

She placed her hand on a tree, next to a hidden symbol that was etched into the bark. The symbol resembled a cat's eye, at least it did if you squinted at it. It was meant to be secret, so the symbol was carved to blend in with the texture of the tree. It was easy to look for if you knew it was there, so naturally only clan members could find their way to the Monastery.

Brunhilde let her mind wander as she stepped between the towering pillars of bark. The Unbeatable Master coaxed her into starting her search at "the beginning". It stood to reason that was her "beginning" was at the Mao Monastery. That was where a lot of things started for her, her journey to be a legendary hero, among other things.

The small rays of light that peaked through the trees glinted of her armor, armor that was covered in flecks of blood from monsters she had faced on the way home. They were nothing too serious, as it only takes a single swing of her spear to down any foe that stands before her.

By the time she caught a glimpse of the monastery, the sun was threatening to set, and leave her in total darkness. One of the peaks of the monastery poked between the trees, the view left Brunhilde a bit excited, and a bit in dread.

When Brunhilde stood before the Monastery, a woman stood in the doorway. Her cool blue eyes looked over her daughter, pleased to see her home after so long.

Brunhilde gave a small wave. "Hi Mom."

"Brunhilde, my little girl," Cleo said with a heartfelt smile. "It's so good to see you again."

Brunhilde stepped up to meet her mother as they embraced, her large build dwarfing her mother's.

"We saw each other at the last reunion."

"That was two years ago," retorted Cleo. "Now come in, you must be tired!"

Brunhilde followed the woman into the ancestral home. As the biggest of the six siblings, it was easy to feel like a giant, but the gargantuan halls of the Mao Monastery were one of the few things that made her feel small.

"Is Father home?" Brunhilde asked, scanning the rooms as they walked by, looking out for her mountain of a father, clad in golden armor.

"No, your father is out at the moment," Cleo answered, her tone carried a hint of melancholy. "But you know how it is. A hero's work is never done."

"Don't I know it," Brunhilde half whispered, gripping her spear hard enough to shatter a normal one. "So then, where is he?"

"Oh, it was something about a band of thieves who have been hurting the business of a merchant's guild in a village to the south," Cleo told her.

"A band of thieves?" Brunhilde repeated. "Isn't that a little small for him?"

Cleo giggled at the question. Brunhilde tilted her head, wondering what was so funny.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Cleo looked back at her daughter. "Your father has recently decided to reevaluate what his priorities as a hero."

"Reevaluate his priorities?" Brunhilde parroted. For whatever reason, she found that hard to believe.

Cleo beamed. "Yes, he's trying different methods, but the one he's using right now is that 'no evil is too small'. I think it's fantastic."

"I-I see," Brunhilde said. Her father is one of the most conservative, hard headed people she knows, and now he's changing up his heroic outlook.

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