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The wind picked up, swirling the torn bandanna wrapped around Michelangelo's head. Pain pounding in his mind . He started at a slow jog, which turned into a fast run, trying to reach his destination as soon as he could. Coming to a stern halt his head shot up, his midnight gaze locking with the abandoned warehouse in front of him. He knew that the foot were getting a delivery of new weapons and supplies, so he decided to make a visit. The sound of movement wasn't heard from no one, not even the keenest ear could detect Michelangelo's presence. Crouching on a bar across the ceiling he made his move. Swift, precise motions were made taking out the maybe 30 foot bots in three minuets. Feeling satisfied with his defeat, he head to the exit. Just as he opened the rusted door, a clap was heard from the other side of the building.
"Great job turtle, tell me where are your pathetic alliances you call brothers?" It was shredder, with a smirk plastered across his face, even though it was covered by his helmet, there was no use denying that fact.
"I don't call them my brothers any more, there just worthless hollow shells to me." Mikey's eyes narrowed at his words, almost making it seem like he hissed them from his mouth.
"I see, but how do I know you are alone?" Shredder pondered, making sure what he was about to offer was going to survive.
"If I wasn't alone I wouldn't have taken the wepons, my 'brothers' wouldn't approve." the turtle remarked, holding up some new weapons he stole. Shredder smiled to him self.
"Michelangelo, I would like to make you an offer..."

HAHAHAHA cliffhanger, FYI this is sorta based off the midnight comic, I do not own that, BUT I LOVVEEE ITTT!

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