Running from past mistakes

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The cuts reopened from the handling on Mikey's wrist. They were running back to the lair, the youngest keeping his good hand on his oozing arm. he couldn't imagine what his brothers thought of him, he wanted their respect and the voice said this was the only way, this was the start.

So much anger and guilt swarmed the tempered turtle. why was his brother like this? He thought he was a good brother, but apparently he wasn't good enough. he should have noticed and stopped it before it got this out of hand. They all blamed themselves and each other for all of this. How didn't they know?

Once they reached their home, they all sat Mikey down. The young mutant was looking at his feet, not wanting any eye contact with his older siblings.
"All right Mikey, spill it, why would you do this to your self?" Raph spoke, forcing Mikey to look up at him with his hand pressing on his chin. He breathed out ready to tell every thing.
"This has been going on for a while. It started when I first noticed it, I noticed you guys never treated me right. I'm the stupid one, I'm the less skilled one, I'm the one who can't ask for help because you guys will make fun of me. I'm afraid. A couple months ago I was really upset with you guys for mocking me, and it just made me snap. You didn't realize, nor did you hear my sobs from my room, but I found that if I cut myself that I could punish myself for what you guys think I do wrong, because I'm just a mistake." That last part was like venom as he looked to brothers.
"ARNT I!" He yelled, wanting an answer.
"No, no your not!" leo said putting his hand out in effort to calm the raging turtle.
"Really? Then why do you treat me like this, you know I hear what you say about me. You don't think I can be good enough for you guys, I'm not a good ninja, and I'm NOT a good BROTHER!" Tears swelled Mikey's eyes as he hoped everything he just said was completely wrong.
"We didn't say that" donnie told, even though they have said things like that before.
"But you've said thing like that, you really don't think I'm good enough for you" the was a pause. "Well if wont you answer, I'll tell you, I'm no longer your brother, I will show you all one day that I'm just as good or better than you, and show you that I'm not a child, because that child is dead, you all killed it." With those words Michelangelo was gone.

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