The fight

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Mikey's POV
The cool air brushed against my skin as I ran across the roof tops. We were on a mission, like usual. The ruff cement rubbed against my feet, causing the opening where the wrap on the soles of feet didn't cover to become raw. The pain was getting worse as we ran farther. Usually this isn't a problem, but I had to put on my wraps quicker than normal, because raph thought I wasn't being 'fast' enough. It really bugs me how sometimes my brothers don't put enough trust in me. This is just a small example, but it happens so much that even the slightest thing ticks me off.

My feet were blistering, causing me to fall behind a bit. I said nothing of my pain, or else raph will yell at me for not knowing the proper way to wrap, leo would lecture me on this, finding a way to twist what I say to my disadvantage, and donnie would tell me how I need to be carful of my feet because we don't wear shoes, blah blah blah.
"Come on mike, hurry it up, I told Ya you were being slow." Raph mocked at me. Anger started to build a bit, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. I push my emotions back all the time. I thought I could slide it off until leo cut in.
" Mikey pick up the pace, we can't afford you falling back." I would expect leo to be like that, even though he's done it before, but we ain't really doing any thing except scanning the town for trouble.

About an hour passed and my feet were burning, white hot pain surged through my legs. I didn't say a word for most of the mission, afraid that is I opened my mouth the pain would be audible through my voice.
"Hey Mikey, you okay? You have barely said a thing all night." Donnie was looking concerned at me, probably because I typically talk non stop. I wanted to scream for my feet, but I didn't.
"I'm fine, just thinking." I said plainly, trying to hide the fact I was hurting.
"You thinking! Ha! Ya right" raph chuckled. This piled my rage even more. I can think, I just enjoy being the way I am.
"I can think raph." I grumbled back, surprising all of them a little, but knowing raph he wouldn't stop putting me down, until he won whatever we where fighting for.
"Ooo, he can think, Im soo scared." He joked sarcastically. I had enough with every one treating me like a joke for so long. All that making fun of me, hurting me, not listening to me when I'm right, had just burst at the seems.

"That's it! You always treat me like crap! You think just because I'm so happy And peppy all the time, I can't do anything right! I'm just as good as all of you, but you are so caught up with thinking you guys are better than each other that you put me at the bottom. I typically won't fight back, to make you feel better, but I'm done with all of this!" The words spat out of my mouth. They where stunned from my out burst, non of them saying a word, only shocked glances.
"Oh so now I say something that I 'thought' about and you just stand there! What kind of brothers are you!" My voice felt like venom against my throught. I hated being like this, but I couldn't handle keeping it inside me any longer. I've done it for so long, making me leave scars on my fragile wrists, causing me to remember every thing they do to me when I look at them. I didn't want to show them what I've done to myself, they would never look at me the same, but some part of me wanted to let them know what they put me through sometimes.

"Mikey... Come on, we don't mean it." Leo finally spoke.
"Don't mean it! If you don't mean it, they don't say it! Do you know how much your words hurt me! You think I'm fine, but I'm not! I'm not..."
The last part was a sob. Letting a tear shed from on of my eyes. Raph took a hesitant step towards me, reaching out with his hand trying to touch my shoulder.
"Mike......." He gave me an sympathetic look, but it wasn't real. I slapped his hand away and took a look at all of them, my eyes pink and puffy from crying. My aching feet moved jaggedly across the roof tops as I ran with all my might away from them, their voices echoing in the distance, calling me to come back.

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