Chapter 9

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I couldent believe what I had just herd. So he'd been playing me. But why? He seemed so genuine too. I felt like crying but nothing came out. I couldn't feel emotion right now. "Why? Why'd you do it?" I asked stepping away from him "it was a $30 bet." He answered almost in a whisper "on what?" I asked as I teared up. I couldent believe that he would do this for a bet. "To see if you'd kiss me" he answered. That was even worse. "Wow. You had me." I said as I got up. "Sorry" he said. "Sure." I said as I walked back to P.E. Because sorry wasnt good enough. For the rest of the day I was upset. I tried to keep him off my mind because I didnt feel like crying during school. I almost lost it a cuple times when I saw him in the hallways but I held myself together for the most part. Untill I got home. When I got to my dorm I was exhausted. I opened the door and was suprised to see that Toby wasn't here yet. I walked in and went straight to my bed. And before I knew it, I feel asleep. I woke up an hour later to the sound of the door opening. I didnt say anything because I didnt know who it was. I climbed down the ladder and looked around the corner of our beds. I saw Toby standing there. He looked very happy. "Whats up?" I asked as I walked over to him "I finished one of my classes early!" He said as he looked at me "why didnt you do that here?" I asked "because I cant bring a computer home silly" he answered as he giggled a little bit. Then he asked the worst question that he could've ever asked: "How was your day?" He asked as he started walking twards the bedroom. "Whelp, for starters you were right." I said with a sigh. He stopped mid step and looked back at me, he was about halfway to the bedroom "about that guy?" He asked "yeah" I answered "what did he do?!" He asked, almost shouting "it turned out that he was dating someone." I said as I sat in a chair at the table "Veronica and him were betting on me" I added "Thats terrible" he said "yeah. I cant beleive he would do such a thing. I mean he acted so genuine! Plus, if his parents dont want him with a half vampire, why would they be okay with a werewolf?!" I yelled a little louder than I intended to. This sadness had turned into rage now. "They can be that way. Anyone can." He said softly, then he looked like he realized something "wait did you say werewolf? Those are real also?" He asked "yeah" I answered to him. Then I kept ranting "I just didn't think he would be someone like that!!" I said as I started crying. I then got down from my chair and walked past Toby to the bedroom. I climbed up the ladder, sat on my bed, and just cried. Surprisingly, it didn't last long. Eventually I found myself feeling somewhat, relieved? I was slightly confused I think. I wasn't all the way sure because I was having so many strong emotions. Eventually I lugged myslef out a bed and started talking about positive things. Because I knew that if I didn't, I was just gonna mope around all night. "So what do you wanna do tommarrow?" I asked as I climbed down the ladder. Toby was sitting on his bed playing his phone. He looked to be thinking for a second before his face lit up "We could go to the park!" He said as he turned his phone off "the park? Thats a great idea. Do you know how to skateboard?" I asked remembering that I brought my skateboard "nope. You can?" He answered "yup" I said as I felt my stomach growl "now before anything else, i'm hungry." I said  as I started heading to the kitchen. "Always." He said after he scoffed "are you never hungry?" I asked, pretending to be offended. "Sometimes.  Just not always."he said as he sat up. I looked at the clock, it was 7:32 pm. I was glad it was late because I wanted to sleep. So after I drank some blood I walked back to the bedroom and climbed back up the ladder to my bed "goodnight~" I heard Toby say from the bottom bunk "goodnight" I said back as I pulled up my covers to about my chin. This night was a night without dreams, just sleep. In fact I slept so well that I almost couldent get up the next morning.

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