Chapter 8

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"So is this you dorm?" Zeke said as he pointed to the door of my dorm "yup" I said as I opened the door. "Alright! Ill see you tomorrow?" He asked as he held the door for me "yup, I'll be at the same lunch table" I said as I walked in my dorm. "Bye" he said as he shut the door. I opened it again to say something but he was already halfway down the hallway. His expression showed guilt as he muttered to himself. I shut the door back to see Toby directly behind me. "Who was that?" He asked as he looked me up and down "it was my-" I started, then I realized that we didnt make anything official so I guess he was my close friend? Crush? "Uhhh, my old boyfriend" I finnaly said. He looked at me a little funny "so your getting back with an ex of yours?" He asked, looking at my face now "I think so" I said as I walked tward him. "Is that a problem?" I added in a joking manner. "It depends on why you left him in the first place" he said as he crossed his arms. "It was because of his parents. They didnt like me." I answered "why not?" He asked "because I'm a half vampire" I answered "so why get with him now?" He asked as he turned around. I thought about this. "I dont know, its just the first time hes talked to me in a while" I answered. He looked to be thinking for a moment "theres gotta be a reason." He said as he started walking to the bedroom "no there doesent!" I yelled, getting a little frustrated with all the questions "okay okay fine. There might not be." He said as he stopped walking about halfway to the bedroom. "Just pay attention" he said as he turned around and looked at me. "Whatever" I said bitterly as I rolled my eyes. The rest of the day was just me complaining about random things that humans do that annoy me and Toby telling me that theres reasons why the humans do these things. The next day I was at my lunch table, thinking about what Toby said. "You dont think that theres a reason behind all this. Do you?" I asked myself as I waited for Zeke "I mean why would there be?" I asked myself. I was overthinking this like I usually do untill I felt a light tap on my shoulder. It was Zeke. "hello pup" he said as he sat next to me. I looked away from him, I'm sure that he just wanted to see me. No reason? I found myself asking questions instead of convincing myself. "Whats wrong pup?" He asked putting his hand on mt face and making me face him. It took me a little bit to answer. "Is there a reason?" I asked as I looked up at him. He looked confused "for what?" He asked as he put his hand down on the table "for you finally talking to me?" I answered. He looked worried for a split-second "uh nope. No reason" he answered. His hand caught my eye as he started tapping his fingers on the table. This was something he did when he lied. I was a little nervous now. "Whelp i've gotta go now" I said as I got up with my lunch tray "wait!" he said as he got up aswell "don't you have P.E. next?" He asked as he caught up with me. "Maybe" I said as I dumped my tray "can you come to my dorm for P.E.? Im sure they wont even know your gone" he said as I put my tray on the stack "I can't skip my classes!" I said as I walked back to the table "c'mon you gotta have fun in your life" he said as he caught up with me. Im sure that the class wouldent know I was gone, we just are very bad at keeping track of time and I couldent miss the next class. "If I go, we have to keep a very close eye on the clock." I said, mostly talking to myself. "I can do that!" he said "you've said that before" I said, unconvinced. "Yeah but its different this time" he said as he sat at the table "how so?" I asked sitting at the table "because, it is!" He answered, he was pretending to be mad. I thought for a bit. I didnt need P.E., but I dont need to be late for my next class because its Algebra 2 and I need it for my education. "I guess I'll go" I said after a while. "Yay" he said. When the bell rung I sneaked to my dorm and waited for Zeke. "I see that you came~" I heard Zeke say. I didnt know where he was so I backed up and looked around untill I backed into him. It scared me for a second "oh! You scared me" I said as I turned around "that was my goal" he said as he grabbed my hand. He started walking down the hallway untill we got to door 20 "here it is" he said as he opened the door. I walked in and it was cool how it looked exactly the same as mine and Toby's. We walked into the bedroom and I saw that both beds had been disturbed "whos your roomate?" I asked as I took off Zeke's hoodie "oh, its Veronica. Remember her?" He answered as he let go of my hand. He looked a little guilty in saying this "ohh yeah. Her." I said as I stood in the middle of the room. Veronica was a werewolf. She had black hair that faded into a vibrant purple at the bottom, she was a little more tan than the rest of us, and she always wears clothes that show her stomach and shoulders. And her eyes were such a dark brown that they were almost black. She had wolf ears and a tail that looked a little big for her, but they were easy to hide. She was always kind of a player. Anyways, Zeke looked really sad. Disappointed almost. He also looked as if he was thinking really hard about something, like he's fighting himself in his brain "are you okay?" I asked as I walked over to him, he was sitting on the floor by the bottom bunk bed. "Not really" he answered, not looking at me "was it your parents?" I asked as I rubbed his shoulder "no... Its me" he answered. I saw a tear drop from his face "whats wrong with you?" I asked "its what i've done. What i've gotten myself into. I'm a bad person and I didnt mean to drag you into this." He answered as he wiped his eyes. I didnt know what to do with this answer. He was always positive, he got mad at me when I was negative about myself and stuff. "What did you do?" I asked, trying to make sense of what he said "I-I can't tell you. You'd hate me." He answered as he started crying more. What would he do that I would hate him for? Maybe if he cut himself or something, but I woulden't hate him. I had a quick thought that I would be mad if he had another relationship but I know he wouldent do that. Right? "C'mon tell me. If it's something that I would hate you for then you'll need to tell me eventually and i'd rather not hate you when were done with collage and were having a serios relationship" I said as I offered him his hoodie to wipe his face. He took it and buried his face in it and said something but I couldn't quite make out what it was "say that again love. I couldent hear you." I said as I leaned my ear closer to the hoodie. He lifted his head up and looked me in the eyes "I- I have a- a girlfriend" he said.

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