Chapter 23

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   Boruto's Pov

"Uchiha Sasuke, that bastard," Code grunted. "He switched places with Boruto with his Rinnegan at the last second, sacrificing his own life...."

"Sasuke saved me?" I gasped. I looked at Sarada who was trying her best to hold back her tears, I saw Dad and Shikadai in the distance, they were also unconscious. "Damn it..."

"Well, at least his Rinnegan won't be a problem for me anymore," Code said as he turned to me with a death stare. "Let's hurry this up, shall we Boruto?"

"You bastard...."

I slowly got up and activated my Karma to its first stage.

"You're dead." I chuckled.

I jumped above the growling Ten Tails. I have one more of Delta's beams, but I'd rather use that on Code, I guess I'm just going to have to seal its movements.

Code dashed towards me, I put my hand up and shot rods at him, Forcing Code to slip through his claw mark and reappear on the ground.

I put my hands towards the Ten tails, Twenty large size rods hit around its tails.


A black and red sealing dome covered the sky, the dome fell on top of the ten tails, successfully sealing it away, for now at least.

"Now you...." I said as I landed back on the ground looking at Code.

Sarada's Pov

Boruto and Code dashed and hit each other's forearms. Code pushes off of Boruto and shoots a quick beam out of his fingertips, Boruto quickly shrinks the beam and dashes towards him. They collide forearms again, Boruto blocks Codes left kick, Code flips off of the block and catches Boruto with a left hook, Boruto goes for a right hand punch but Code easily dodged it, Boruto puts his left hand up, Code gasps as he marks the floor and quickly travels out of the area as Spikes hit the ground.

"Can't believe you are the one with Isshiki's abilities, Boruto..." Code said as he reappears out of the claw mark behind Boruto.

"Shut up and Fight." Boruto said as he put his hands towards Code again.

Code jumped up, quickly dodging the spikes and charges at Boruto to only get punched hard by Boruto's right arm which sent Code flying backwards, Code caught himself mid air and landed safely.

"Lighting style, Thunderclap Arrow!" Boruto yelled as he threw a strong lighting attack towards Code. Code easily dodged the Jutsu and charged at Boruto, sharpening his left arm and hand, turning it into his very own sword. Boruto did the same with his right arm and charged at Code at lightning speeds.

This fight has just turned into Blue and white flashes, I can't even tell what's happening now.

I slowly got up to my feet, I need to check on Lord Seventh and Shikadai right now. I limp walked over to Shikadai first since he was closer, he's not moving at all...

I kneeled down next to Shikadai, he wasn't breathing. I quickly put two fingers on the side of his neck, checking for a pulse....



He's dead.

I clutched Shikadais sweater out of anger. Why is this happening? And why can't I do a damn thing about it!? It's so... infuriating...

"Damn it..."

Huh? That's Lord Seventh's voice. I looked over to my left to see Lord Seventh slowly getting up on his feet.

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