Chapter 18

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Boruto's Pov

"Were those memories of the real Boruto?"

I lifted up my shirt to see the Karma mark on my chest.

"Nothing you gain, will ever fill a broken vessel, it will just spill right out of that hole."

If those were memories then.... He's right, everything I gained in my past life spilt right out of this hole... That man must've been the leader of Kara then, he also had Karma too... That also must mean he was the man that implanted this power into me in the first place that led me to my sacrifice, and according to Dad, the person who tried to put the Karma on me again was named Isshiki. It makes sense now, the whole purpose of the Karma was for resurrection, Isshiki wanted to resurrect through my Karma, but Amado forced Isshiki to resurrect through the body he was controlling, that man also had Karma but was to weak of a vessel for reincarnation. So that man was Isshiki....

But, does what he said about me at the time apply to me now? I touched the Karma mark on my chest.

"Am I still a broken vessel? Will anything I gain just be lost once again?

"Damn it!" I yelled out loud. "Thinking about this shit is such a pain, my only mission is to protect Konoha and that's it, I'm nothing else..."

"I'm going back home..."

I shrunk the photo book and stored it away. I got up and walked away from this park.


I'm now in the main street of Konoha, same faces, different people like always. I'm able to ignore it now since it really doesn't matter either way, this doesn't affect my mission so I shouldn't care....

I wished I didn't.

"It's actually you...." A man said to me. "Boruto..."

I looked towards the man, he was behind a stand that read Taiyaki. He probably works here.

"Uh, Hi old man..." I stuttered.

"I thought you had died, but you're here right now!" The worker said. "Do you want some Taiyaki?"

Taiyaki huh, I don't know what that is but, I guess it won't hurt, and he's the first villager who actually didn't care what my real self did in the past...

"Uh...." I said looking at the menu, Custard, Chocolate, Chunky red bean jam, Strained bean paste..... What the hell are those? Wait, I have to pay for these, I don't have anything on me.... "I don't have any money, sorry."

"Don't worry about that." The worker smiled. "Pick one, I'll cover it for you."

"I'll take the Chocolate one then...." I quietly said, looking down. I didn't expect such kindness.

"Coming right up!"


"Thank you mister." I said while he handed me the Chocolate Taiyaki.

"Anytime!" He waved as I walked away.

"Well, let's see what this Taiyaki is about." I whispered as I took a bite.

What is this.... IT'S OUTRAGEOUSLY GOOD!?

"Hurry up, I'm gonna leave you behi-" A kid yelled before bumping into me making me drop the Taiyaki.

"You bastard." I quietly said, hardening my arm with intent to harm. I felt my body freeze up before I had the chance to get revenge.

"This is...." I grunted looking at the shadow on the ground.

"Sorry!" Another kid came helping his friend get up from the floor. "He wasn't looking where he was going!"


I looked back at the person who paralysed me, he undid his Jutsu and pulled me off to the side.

"I finally get to see you again..." The green eyed boy said as we kept walking. "Boruto."

"I've seen you before...." I said, wondering which picture it was.

"I guess you losing your memories were true after all..." The boy said, putting his hand out for a handshake. "I'm Nara Shikadai, I was your best friend."

"Nara Shikadai...." I repeated as I shook his hand. "Nice to meet you?"

"Nice to meet you too." Shikadai laughed. "Follow me, I wanna show you something."


"This the cemetery?" I asked.

"Yeah...." Shikadai said before stopping at a certain tombstone. "My father Nara Shikamaru was your Lord Seventh's assistant, he died yesterday from Code's invasion...."

"Sorry for your loss..." I apologized.

"Don't worry about it..." Shikadai sighed. "It's a drag but.... We are at war now, we have to finish the job before we think about anything else"

"Finish the job before we think about anything else..." I quietly said. "I see..."

"I know you probably have a lot going through your head right now." Shikadai said. "Especially about the villagers."

"Well, can't say that you're wrong."

"You're still a citizen of the leaf..." Shikadai said, putting a fist out. "And one day they'll realize that too, so let's put the feelings aside and defeat the person threatening the village we swore to protect."

"Got it." I said returning the fist bump.

Naruto's Pov

"You really asked her to spy on my son to see if any changes take place?" I asked, giving a judgmental look towards Sasuke. "There's probably a better way to do this than that ya know?"

"Probably, but it's also for Sarada's sake." Sasuke responded.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"She doesn't accept Boruto..." Sasuke answered. "She sees him as a fake compared to the Boruto she knew in the past."

"I see..." I said.

"Hoping she'll change her viewpoint on him." Sasuke said.

"Well, I know how Sarada feels for the most part." I said. "It's hard for me seeing my child not know anything anymore, and for Sarada he was her childhood friend."

"Damn it...." Sasuke clenched his fist. "Then we have to deal with Code too.".

"Yeah, and Boruto is our only hope...." I said. "This next encounter is going to be hell...."

Three knocking sounds were made across the Hokage's office.

"Come in!" I said.

"Yo." He waved to us as he opened the door.

"Kakashi Sensei!"

Authors note: This book has been number 1 on the tag "code" for like a week somehow 😭 thanks <3

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