Chapter 4

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                          Saradas Pov

I, I never knew Mitsuki had something like this up his sleeve. 

"Mitsuki.." I said quietly.

"Don't worry Sarada, I got this." Mitsuki said before dashing towards Code.

Code hardened his right hand, taking a swing at Mitsuki but he easily speed blitzed passed code. Mitsukis aura snake snatched Code from behind and slammed him into the ground. Code marked the ground and started traveling through his claw marks.

"MITSUKI BEHIND YOU!" I yelled. Code had marked Mitsuki and popped up behind him, kicking him to the ground causing a huge crater. Smoke appeared from the crash, snakes came out of the smoke.

"Clone huh." Code said in frustration.

Mitsuki appeared behind him and weaved signs.

"Sage art, Great Snake Lighting!" 

The three aura snakes combined into one, creating a massive powerful green lighting attacking Code. Code narrowly dodged the attack and dashed towards Mitsuki.

                            Mitsukis Pov

He dodged it huh.

Code dashed towards me hardening his right arm, he has similar moves as Boruto. My snake and his arm clashed. Code goes for a kick with his left leg but I easily block with my right arm.

"Hidden shadow, Snake hands!"

I stretched my snake arms at Code, he tries to back up but I easily catch him and pull myself towards him, kicking him with both of my feet, Code goes flying and lands roughly on the ground.

Code hardens his right arm again and we dash at each other and clash again.

Code pushes my arm back and takes a swing with his hardened right hand, I dodged it by backing up a bit but Code continues to pressure me.

We swap hands but Code is starting to overpower me, pulling off jabs at my stomach and face. Code hardens his right hand and we clash, Code flips around my arm and catches me off guard, slicing my horn off.

I was able to get a hold of Code before he escapes and body slam him to the ground, I jump up and weave signs again.

"Sage art, Great Snake Lighting!" 

Before the Jutsu can reach him, he traveled into his claw marks again popping up behind me again.

"This ends here!" Code said hardening his right hand aiming to stab me.

Damn it, I can't move in time!

                               Codes Pov

"This ends here!" I yelled hardening my right hand.

"MITSUKI!" The Uchiha yelled in worry.

I pierced through Mitsukis body, his sage mode transformation deactivated quickly.

"You are strong I'll give you that, but it's not enough.." I said as I kicked Mitsuki to the ground causing a huge crater.

Damn, I've taken too much damage already. I need to leave before reinforcements come.

I looked at the Uchiha...

"You'll die the next time I come back." I told her, marking the ground getting ready to travel out of this place.

I felt my body tense up and I fall to the ground. What is happening!?

I-I can't wield Chakra!? 

I looked back at the Uchiha who was bleeding out of her right eye. Her Sharingan, it looks different from before... Is this her doing!?

                           Saradas Pov

My right eye hurt like hell.. What just happened!? I don't know what I did but it was out of instinct.

I see Code on the floor unable to use any of his moves...

Is this what I think this is? I look at Codes Chakra Flow, it's all disturbed, it seems like his Chakra isn't responding at all... Is this the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan? Then that means I should have another ability on my left eye.

"You Bastard!" Code yelled. "What have you done!?" 

My left eye started to strain as I tried to use it's powers, A black flame appeared on Codes right arm..

This is dads flames! The Amaterasu.

Code started to scream in pain, both of my eyes are bleeding heavily now, my vision started to get a bit blurry.

I closed my eyes and started to rub them violently, hoping it would ease the pain. 

What the hell, this power has major side affects, including temporary blindness!? There was barely any information about how this eye works... It hurts like hell.

I forced myself to open my eyes to see where Code was...

He's gone... I guess my left eye only works for a short amount of time, but damn is it even worth going through the pain for this power? Maybe I'll get used to it later, it was my first time...

I'll have to ask Dad when he wakes up...

"Sarada, are you okay!?" 

"Mitsuki..." I said. "Yeah, I'm fine, what about you?"  

"He stabbed right through me, It should heal up soon but, the sage transformation is what is really hurting me right now." Mitsuki replied as he limps towards me. 

"He got away again..." I quietly said. "He can't keep getting away with this..."

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