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The party nigth turned into a reunion of a family and friends , mark had finally Someone he can call parents  someone who won't judge him , plus he had  his sun on his side , everyone had a blast together johnny and haechan were the mood makers at the party . Everyone was happy , in between a very good conversation haechan's phone rang it was a unknown number he ignored it and looked at mark , mark gave him a small smile and held his hand , haechan ignored the call and left all the worries for a while , he was too happy to see mark again like this.

Once everyone was going home haechan took permission from johnny to stay with mark this time  , johnny was basically soo whipped for his baby bro that he was also happy seeing haechan became more alive after he got mark  back . Haechan and mark were going back to jaemin's house , they both decided to have a walk back as they ate alot and wanted to be alone for sometime now , however haechan's phone started ringing again

Mark- hyuck who keeps calling you it's been a while and you keep ignoring the calls
Haechan- I don't know mel it's a unknown number and I hardly even get calls from anyone except the boys or Johnny Hyung or you.

After a 5 minute work they both stopped at the river bank  it was nearly 9 p.m. the blanket of stars above them was shining brightly they were holding each others hand and looking into each other eyes , but the air around them was  cold  and giving them chills it was like someone has been following them. Haechan suddenly flinched and looked at the back it was  weird whatever was happening around them .

Mark- I think we should rush back home , nothing feels right.

Haechan  Agreed to this and they both decided to take the bus home as walking felt dangerous at this time.
The bus the both step into was empty and  no soul was to be seen besides the driver , driver kept waiting for another 2 minutes it was unusual for a bus to wait for this much time for passengers after these two minutes someone with the red cap entered the bus and sat at the end of the seats in the corner.

After the bus starting moving everything was looking normal , but  suddenly the driver stoped the car , haechan  and mark were so confused they look that each other till the time haechan   could warn  mark ,  the man with the red cap came and smashed marks head with something hard.
Haechan was really worried he was trying to protect himself but the man with the red cap kicked him in this stomach , he  was groaning in pain , he tried to   lift himself up but the man kicked  him again and everything went black.

Mark's pov

Everything was silent I could hear nothing only a ringing voice in my head. My head was hurting badly I could not even open my eyes everything was blury and I could feel blood rushing out from the side of my forehead.
After 5 minutes I open my eyes to see that the bus was exactly at the same place before I got hit on my head , there was noone in the bus anymore . I tried to reach out for something to stand up properly , my head was still spinning , i noticed someone's phone laying in the corner of the bus , i tried to reach it but fell in the process , slowly crawling i reached the phone it was of haechan.
I stepped out of the bus to notice i am in between nowhere luckily haechan's phone had enough charging for me to make a call .
I sat in the middle of the road with a stinging pain in my head , i unlocked the phone and diled Johnny Hyung's number .

Third person's pov

On the call

Johnny- hello haechan ... Haechan hii

Johnny kept calling haechan's name but mark was too weak to speak .
In very low voice mark responded

Mark- Hyung help us , i am lost and .... And

Till the time mark could finish the sentence he fainted in the middle of the road .
On the other hand johnny got up trying to call mark's name but the line went dead and someone ended the call.


Okk soo hear me out 😛 some thrill in the story 😚😚😚 how do u guys like it .
Thanks for reading .... 💓💓

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