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We are weapons with the body of humans, the mental cube is a crystalline substance in the shape of a cube that was discovered a few years ago when the war against the siren began.

The mental cube is the basis of the creation of the kansen and it is imbued with a gigantic power and using it we were able to repel the sirens... that is the power of warships, the power to conquer the seas and decimate the sirens , it is thanks to this power that humanity was able to claim the seas once again.

But in search of more power the alliance split into two factions.

Red Axis: An alliance formed by Iron Blood and Sakura Empire. They seek to unravel the siren's power and become drunk on their own power and raise a rebellion against Azur Lane.

Even when the enemy is only the siren, the conflict between humans continues because they are blinded by the desire for power and ambition... Yes, wars do not change no matter how time passes.


What I see is a hellish landscape, I don't know how many years I haven't seen a large-scale bombardment... I think it was against the war against the Magic empire, I don't remember well, it was more than 30 years.

The base burns in flames and smoke, the Manjuus rush to extinguish the fire, the kansen that are operational are helping in the rescue of the immobilized kansen.

The allied fleet was tactically annihilated in a nutshell, it was lucky no one was killed.

Fletcher: I need a fire team!

Me: I'm coming!

I walk up to Fletcher and shoot high pressure water at a ship that's on fire.

Me: Bush! There's a wounded kansen over there! Go and help her!

Bush: Yes!

The girls move on my orders.


Meanwhile Wales watches everything from the port through a binocular.

Wales: We were caught off guard. He did not expect the empire to attack so early.

Illustrious: It was unavoidable, it was a preemptive strike before we further strengthen the base.

In that siren ships that are immobilized or half-sunken, those ships disappear like magic.

Author: When you see those inconsistencies in the plot... I'll just say: a sorcerer did it and nothing more.

Wales: Is the empire aware of the danger of using siren technology directly?

Illustrious: Let's focus on rebuilding the base, the royal main fleet will be here shortly. They will no longer take us by surprise.

Wales: Eagle Union's Enterprise saved us this time.

Far from Wales and Illustrious.

Me: You stole my spotlight! I must have attracted the gazes of the first division and asked about Mikasa-sama!

Enterprise: (Giggles) I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, you should have attacked earlier.

Returning with Illustrious and Wales.

Illustrious: Yeah, (Smile) It's been a long time since I've seen those crazy maneuvers of hers, I'd definitely like to do that once.

Wales: (laughs) Cut it please, that's not refined or feminine.

Illustrious: Ara, said by a woman who has the title of "Prince".

Wales: Don't talk to me about that, besides that's my name: Prince of Wales. I am not a prince.

Azur Lane: A lost pre-dreadnought in another worldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon