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Today I wake up early like every day, no, today I woke up a little late, yesterday I stayed up late because I was preparing a report after the rescue mission, it's been 1 day since we anchored at the base, I walked I went to the closet and dressed in casual clothes, a white T-shirt, navy blue shorts and sneakers.

Today is my day off so I can dress however I want, so I go out and find Enterprise and Belfast.

Me: Good morning.

Belfast: Good morning.

Enterprise: Good morning.

Me: where are you going?

Belfast: To the dining room.

We arrive at the dining room and the atmosphere is as lively as ever.

We approach the counter and stand in line, after a while we get to the counter and Nevada serves us breakfast.

To Enterprise's misfortune, Nevada serves Enterprise more food since thanks to Enterprise the Red Axis fleet quickly retreated.

In reality, Enterprise is so powerful that there are rumors that in the past she alone has killed an Arbiter class siren, in this world it is said that to defeat an Arbiter class siren it takes 3 carrier attack fleet, I don't know if that's true or not, but I think they are no match for even an air battleship from the magic empire of my world.

After thinking that we sat down at a table near a window.

Enterprise: This is a lot.

Belfast: Ara, aren't you going to eat?

Enterprise: It's a lot of food, this far exceeds the amount I always eat.

Me: In that case, do you want us to help you?

Enterprise: If it's not too much trouble, I need your help.

Me: Ok, in that case I'll take the toast and the salad.

Belfast: Ara, are you a vegan?

Me: No, I only have problems with the seasoning in the barbecue that is very strong for my stomach, apart from that I can eat meat.

Enterprise: Your stomach is too weak.

Me: It's not that, what happens is that the food is not as refined as I need it to be.

A class with La Erdo:

La Erdo: The food is like the fuel of the kansen, in the case of the naturally invoked kansen they use special food that supplies the fuel they use, due to the Japanese technology in the engines of the Kasami, the Kasami uses a refined fuel of the 21st century, but nowadays the fuel that she uses is fuel that was used in 1940 and therefore the engine suffers a lot and that is the explanation why she constantly has problems with meals, for that reason Kasami eats soft food to avoid indigestion.

End of class with La Erdo.

So we continue to eat, after breakfast, we walk around the academy facilities, we head towards the R&D labs, but it's still early so we kill time walking around the academy.

In that Repulse greets us energetically.

Repulse: Hey girls, how are you?

Enterprise/Me: We're fine, thanks.

Repulse runs off, this upsets her older sister for which she yells at Repulse.

Renown: Repulse, don't run in the halls!

Cleveland: OI! Enterprise! La Kasami!

In that Cleveland calls us, so we approach her, in that behind Cleveland there are several girls.

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