Chapter 3: Other Side

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Kat's POV

"You think she's safer in Japan than Jasper?" Karai asked.

"She's all the way across an ocean from me. How can I protect her if she's so far away?" I questioned.

"Miko is sixteen. She's old enough to decide what to do with her life." Karai replied.

"Yeah, but she's so... not old on the inside. You know how Miko is. She jumps into trouble the first chance she gets. She could get crushed just standing still in their base." I sighed.

"Miko might be a little reckless, but she's still a capable teenager. You were younger than her when you started bossing around an entire ninja clan and leading a full thrust battle against the Tehuns." Karai said.

I rolled my eyes, but of course, Karai couldn't see that.

"Besides, they've already failed utterly to get her. I doubt they'll be trying again anytime soon."

"That's what they want you to think." I scoffed.

"You are so paranoid." Karai huffed.

"What do you want me to do? Just ignore my baby sister in imminent danger?" I asked.

Karai stayed quiet for a moment as she thought. I grabbed my coat and tighted it, frowning as my nose turned red in the cold of the Nevada night.

I dimmed my computer and clicked onto the tab where all the cameras and bugs I planted in the Autobot base were at. It was dark as well, only Ratchet and Optimus Prime in the main room. It was the only place where I had been, other than the elevator.

"Expand the clan."

"What!? Are you crazy? I can't-"

"I can watch over them here and you can take a group to-"

"I'm not abandoning the clan, Karai. Not for Miko. She hates me and I'm not spending more than a week homeless." I told her.

"She doesn't hate y- Wait, where are you right now?"

"Camping out on top of the school. There weren't many other flat roofs." I sighed.

"Kat! You could just ask her if you can stay on her couch or something!" Karai exclaimed.

"Oh please, she'd call Fowler and have him tranq me." I rolled my eyes.

"That is what the adrenaline injector in your calf pocket is for. Besides, I doubt Miko would actually give you away like that. She's kept the family secret all these years. You know she'd love to brag about her sister being a ninja." Karai said.

"Then she'd have to explain why she isn't a ninja too and Miko would despise that. Face it Karai, my life is no fairy tale. Miko will hate me for kicking her out until the day she dies." I huffed.

"That is not true! You Nakadais! You're so stubborn! Miko loves you. Deep down, she does!" Karai tried to convince me.

"Deep, deep, deep, deep, deep... I don't even think I can say enough deeps." I joked.

"You're ridiculous."

"Anyway, how is training going? Did you make sure Jones is-"

"Nursing his leg? Yes. Keeping Leo away from the kitchen? Laser detection all over the place. Watching Cori in case she's a double agent? Quietly. Feeding your ferocious wolves that want to kill me? Unfortunately."

"I never said you had to keep Leo away from the kitchen..."

"Psh. It's written on your very long, detailed, nagging list, on the very bottom in bright pink ink." Karai told me.

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