An Affinity in A-Minor

293 11 18

The Ultimate Pianists finishes another one of their recitals, but this time a special person meets them backstage.

!Ultimate Pianist Reader x !Kokichi-who plays the violin


!!Not proofread


C5, G4, A5, C5, G4 and C5, C5, C5,,,, B4!

Your fingers dramatically leave the piano keys, and the auditorium bursts into applause. A few bouquets were thrust onto the stage, and you stood up, bowed and went over to gently pick them up. You smiled and the audience and waved back. You basked in the glory of a well-received audience and success over how great the music you played was.

Harmonies, melodies, adagios and rhythms, your first loves. They all blended together to create enchanting, ethereal, heartfelt and exciting pieces and you couldn't get enough of it.

The piano, so fluent in emotion. It is how a soul is given voice, how it seeks to connect, to communicate the truth of being human. The clinking of the ivory keys, the melody of a perfectly played piece, everything was so captivating. Everything so indulgent.


After a few minutes people were ushered out and you had 15 minutes by yourself in the empty auditorium before you were due out to meet some of the crowd.

You see a figure looming behind you, and you turn around.

"You know, you're not meant to be back behind there," you smile as you turn to face the silhouette behind you.

"When have I ever been one to follow the rules, y/n?" hums a voice as a purple-haired boy steps from behind stage.

"Ouma, isn't it? You're in my homeroom. I haven't gotten around to meeting everyone but I sure as hell remember you," you say as you turn back to your piano, dusting some dust that lay atop the 1-2 section in which you hadn't used.

"Mhm. The one and only... Anyhow, just wondering if you were up for a quick duet?" he asked as he walked forward, violin in hand.

You glanced back at the handsome figure. Fingers perfect, as if made by an artist, hair slicked back into a somewhat messy ponytail, stature- straight and brooding.

"You play violin? That's unexpected...You're the ultimate supreme leader, aren't you?"

"I may be the ultimate supreme leader, but I do pretty well on the old bow. And who says leaders can't play instruments," he smiles as he gazes at his violin.

It was a gorgeous violin. Made out of sturdy timber, looking shiny and brand new yet so loved and played. The brass and bow, the wood and wisp. It was so beautiful. A wooden wonder.

"My bad," you mumble a bit embarrassed of the fact you just judged someone like that. Anyone can play any instrument if they wanted. "So, what are you looking to play?" you start up again, anticipating his response.

"Well, I was thinking 'A Daybreak's Remorse', you know it?"

You ears perk up at the mention of the name. A Daybreak's Remorse was a piece that could only be played as a complimented duet between the violin and piano. It was tremendously hard to learn on both parts and can only work if both parties were in time and flowed with each other. You knew how the play the piano part well but could never find a suitable violinist.

"Know it? I love it! It's so beautiful. But you know what they say about it, right?"

"I've heard, yeah. But you're an amazing pianist, the SHSL one at that. I've been playing since I was 6, so I reckon this could work out. Besides, you aren't annoyed by me yet, so I think we're pretty good for each other."

"That's a weird way of working things out but I've been dying to play this piece so let's go for it!" you say excitedly.

Kokichi grins just by seeing your excitement and surprises himself by doing so.

"Well let's do it then."

"Okay, lean in and I'll lead on," you say.

"Noted." He replies.

As soon as your fingers hit the keys you were off. You played the pieces so well for the first 24 notes. The music just flowed into your fingers. As soon as you picked up your fingers at the beginning of the piano bit Kokichi breezily picked up to his bit without missing a beat.


You flowed in again after another 24 notes and you played in complete harmony. You both had the same rhythm, the same flow, it was nothing like you ever experienced before. Sure you missed a few notes in euphoria and Kokichi messed around and changed the tempo ever so slightly at times but it all worked out for the best.

You both finished at the exact same times and you let out a deep breath. You turned to face each other, both smiling and in awe.

"That was amazing, like nothing I'd ever experienced before. I love the piano and have played it for so long but this....this is new to me!" you exclaim. Piano was amazing but you could only learn so many songs and move in position so many times to feel as if you were mechanically pressing the keys.

"I was pretty awesome, huh?" Kokichi grinned as he placed his violin back in the case.

"Heyy," you pout.

"Only kidding. You were just amazing too."

You go back onto the piano and pick up from the last bar. You play it perfectly, yet it sounded not as fulfilling as it was with the violin intertwined. To avoid it being a full disappointing end, you added a riff to the end to compliment the sound.

Kokichi's eyes lit up a little and his head swerved round to you.

"What was that?" he questions.

"What was what?" you reply.

"The thing you added at the end. That's not in the sheet music, is it?"

"Oh, no. I just added a riff to the end." sensing his confusion, you continued, 'it's a set of rehearsed keys you can add to the end of some pieces to add a bit more,,, pizazz."

"Ohh. Could you show me one? Preferably that one again, it was nice."

"Yep, since we left off on a C3, we can jump back on with the D3 and jump on with what's called a Melowhich riff." You say as you demonstrate slowly.

"I see. Hey, could I have a go?"

"Go ahead," you say surprised. He can play piano too? And pick up riffs that quickly? Wow.

He plays it, almost a carbon copy as you did however his has more of a flow and bounce to it. Impressive, he must really feel the music.

However, you notice his hands flowed off the piano and onto your chin, tilting it up ever so slightly.


His eyes glanced over at yours and then to your lips,

"So, if I lean in,

Will you lead on?"

Smooth, you cheeky bvstard.

However, you knew you wanted this just as much as him so you leaned in and pressed your lips against it. It was soft and gentle, but like the duet, you both made it work perfectly. It felt right.

You pull apart and smile. He has a faint blush on his cheeks -as do you- and he smiles right back.

"Also, it seems I know a riff. Would you like to hear?" Kokichi inquires.

"Oh, uh, yea. Go for it," you ramble, still flushed and in a bit of a frenzy from the kiss.

d, d, d, G-


🌸𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘷𝘰𝘵𝘦!

kokichixreader - Kokichi Ouma OneshotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum