Helping You Fall Asleep After a Scary Movie

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Maybe watching movies until 3am wasn't the best choice and you can surely see the effect it had on you as you can't sleep. But hey, it resulted in a pretty fluffy night with Kokichi so maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all?


A blood curdling scream was emitted from the TV before the screen flashed out and the TV switched off.

"All right, we should go to sleep now. I wouldn't want my co-leader not being able to concentrate on lessons tomorrow." said Kokichi as he puts the remote away.

You rub your eyes at the scene before you. You were wrapped in Kokichi's arms under his fluffy weighted blanket. You were enveloped in his warmth, your hand in one of the many bowls of snacks around you. There were movie CD cases spread apart all around the room. Your phone lit up with a message and the dim illumination cast by it showed you the time, 03:00. Oh shoot.

You hadn't realised how the time had gone by. You and Kokichi were on a movie marathon and had just finished the last one. Oh, should you mention it was a horror movie marathon?

Kokichi surely knew how to pick the scary movies. You may have been easily frightened but these movies were on a whole different level/ You don't get frightened easily but oh boy did he know what would spook you.

The events of the movies must have been very effective since you couldn't close your eyes without remembering that one scene that had made you jump and spill Kokichi's grape panta. After the initial angry pout from Kokichi (since you knocked down his 'favourite' can), he burst out into laughter, ridiculing you at being scared at such a thing.

Kokichi didn't get scared easily, or he didn't show it.

At this point, you were subtly shaking. Maybe it was the fact the movie brought up bad memories or just the fact it was so unsettling.

"Well, night my angel," Kokichi smiles as he gently plants a kiss on your cheek.

You try to mumble out a response and Kokichi settles in bed next to you.

Or if you're not comfortable with that he'll be on the floor since he respects you and your boundaries.

You try to lull yourself to sleep. Everything about your room was comfortable. There were three glow in the dark star stickers, placed on your roof by Kaito to remind you that there were four bright stars in your room the whole night so you wouldn't have to fear. When you questioned him about why he said four bright stars when he only gave you three, he gave you a cheeky smile and answered,

"Well, you're the brightest star of them all Y/N!"

You smile at the cheesy line he delivered but it still wasn't enough to make you fall asleep. The dulcet tunes of the aircon (or heater depending on the weather of where you live) fill you with a calming sensation yet it still wasn't enough. You twist to the side, and you were faced with Kokichi's face, wide-eyed in curiosity.

"You're scared aren't you Y/N?"

Holy cow, how did he know?

You subtly nod your head and look away from him. He was going to laugh wasn't he? The main reason you didn't tell him is because you didn't want him to laugh at you.

"Yeah, I know how to pick movies don't I? But, hey, don't be scared! I'm here to protec- Oh that sounds so stupid, doesn't it? I can't just say don't be scared, that's like telling someone who's drowning to just drink the water. Hey come here."

You let out a light laugh at his remark and watch as he sits up in bed and bring you up with him.

(And if he was on the floor, he can jump up on the bed with you, if that makes you uncomfortable you can change where you and he are!)

He brings you into a comfortable embrace and soothes you. Whispering little jokes into you ear and calming you down with little anecdotes of him and his pranks.

You slowly grip onto his collar on the nape of his neck, and he smiles and tells you, you remind him of a baby.

"You're so cute you know that?" he grins.

"You're nothing less of that yourself," you laugh.

He starts playing with your hair and caresses your forehead while nuzzles you and bombarding you with kisses from now and then.

The gentle strokes of his finger as it glides down your hair. The small head pats on your head from time to time. The cheeky little nose boops. Everything Koichi did was with love.

He skimmed your face from time to time, making sure you were relaxed and not scared any more.

As 4AM rapidly approached you forgot about the scary movie and not being able to sleep and just melted into Kokichi.

"You know the real reason I begged you to watch scary movies was all a part of my plan. I picked the movies carefully just so you'd get scared and come craving my affection, I guess it worked! Nishishi. I know I could have just asked but this was far more fun, riiight? I'm your little genius, riiight?"

The lengths he'd go to just to be able to show his love for you deeply without you being able to tease him after. He must really care for you, huh?

Anyway, you couldn't respond as you were already fast asleep. He smiled as he saw this and couldn't contain his blush. Your even breaths calmed him down and he watched you sleeping so peacefully.

"You're so adorable, what the hell?"

He felt a little bad for scaring you with the movies, but it turned out fine in the end. He gave you a kiss before setting down to sleep beside you and nuzzles your neck.

Or he's sits back onto the floor, carefully unwrapping your arms off him and making sure he doesn't wake you up.

In just a few minutes he was asleep too.


🌸𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘷𝘰𝘵𝘦!

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