Like December and January (Angst)

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(Hey, y'all, guess who's back. It's 1 am and after 8 months, I'm back on a Kokichi brainrot. Thought I left this phase behind, but I guess not. Anyway, here's some angst I concocted in 20 minutes, enjoy.)

!Not proofread

A smile and wave he gave you. That boy with the purple hair. He saw you staring. Anyone would really. A boy with purple hair? That's new. He smiled and waved to you, holding nothing but a coat in his arms. And that's where it bloomed. A friendship, blossoming into a garden. Vines, thorns, bees, honey, fruit and orchids. Everything was there but it felt so cosy and right.

Fast forward to today, you couldn't believe it.

Flowers wilted, thorns plucked, bees migrated and fruit never to regrow again.

He was slipping away. You were drifting apart. You could both see the rift; however, nothing could stop it. You were both just riding the wave until it subsided. You both did know what to say. Every time you tried to open the conversation; the lid didn't come off. It used to feel nice when you were together. Now, it just feels off. In class he ignores you, you're off to the side, while he chats with that other girl. Friends were all you ever were, but weren't you best friends? What happened to the hundreds of messages you exchanged? Why was everything once so important now nothing but just a few more snaps to add to the streaks? Streaks, the only thing keeping you snapping.

Days of anxiety turned to weeks to months. He's hanging with those other girls now. Such a strong bond they have. They're best friends now. They're making their own inside jokes and songs and rhythms. You are nothing more than an opening act. People have started to notice. You smile and pretend its fine.

When you go up to him in class he still opens with his wide smile and peppy voice.

"Hey, hey y/n!" he smiles slyly. It feels nice for just a bit. Then she comes along. Talking about some game or whatever. Some inside joke you were outside of. They're both nice. But with them you felt off.

"I've got to try," you thought. Those past years couldn't have been all but nothing no?

Your heart ached at the thought of being away from him. You felt sick. His fluffy, tuft of hair you love to play with and braid so much. That window space in you room you both hung out in. Everything lost for some blonde bvtch you didn't even know. But there's nothing wrong with her. You tried to hate her; you really did. But there was nothing wrong with her.

Other than being a bland, best friend stealing brat.

Your eyes glance over at your phone. 11:57pm. Huh, you're up all night wondering what went wrong again, huh? You notice a notification.

"You're about to lose your streak!"

You swipe up. You swore you sent streaks. As you check, you realise everyone else is still on grapes. Hah, Kokichi changed your streaks emoji to grapes. Oh, him and his grape love. You stare perplexed at who you were about to lose with. As you were about to put your phone backing thinking they sent back, your eyes widen.

873⏳KOKICHI 💜🤪

He,,, hasn't sent back?

You check his snapscore. 145, refresh




You think of @'ing him to see if he just forgot to send you one.



You send him a snap. A minute has gone by. 11:58pm.

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