(3.5K+ WORDS) A Rainy Day

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Rainy Days

-Play the video above or any other rain sound video for added effect

Kokichi has a love-hate relationship with rain, it ruins most of his pranks, and he has to stay cooped up inside. But it also makes a lovely, calming atmosphere for him and you to spend time in, so maybe it's not so bad. Besides, he can think of many different pranks whenever, time with you is special and something he cherishes.

strong language warning, if you don't swear just replace the words or remove the sentence.

A/N: Me from 2022 reading and editing this. I made his persona wayy to eccentric and outlandish in this fic. I tried to edit this the best I could from now. Excuse the STD's quip, I can't replace it right now as I can't think of anything and 2 days in without sleeping.

This fic is mid, not my best work of course.


"The rain's not going to stop anytime soon now, is it?" you mutter into your phone as you continue making breakfast.

"Don't reckon so, no. The school sent out an email telling us we won't have school today because of how heavy it's getting. It's quite disappointing since we were meant to meet with this really famous pianist. Oooh, I was telling you about them yesterday; their pieces are just mmm. Oh! I have one that would fit my mood right now; you should listen to it. It's a game-changer. I'll send it through right now. Oh, but it's better if you know the history behind the song too," Kaede's voices trails on, a little distorted since the rain makes the phone line falter.

As Kaede's voice fills your kitchen, you sigh to yourself. Today will be relaxing; you have no school, no homework, no responsibilities and a house all to yourself. "Hey Kaede, I'm going to go eat now but send me the music, 'kay?" you say as you wrap up your food and place it on a small wooden table.

"Alright, see you!" Kaede says, a small click follows, showing the call had disconnected, and you walk to your room.

You sit on your bed and place your phone on the bedside table. You glance over by your window, and the rain immediately catches your eyes. It was so beautiful.

The rain may have been just another natural phenomenon, but it was so spectacular. The subtle reverberations bloomed from the patterning and pattering blended alluring with the dulcet tones from the music box propped up on your table (gift from your amazing boyfriend himself). It was slowly dying down, and that gave you an ominous feeling. Nonetheless, you were still engulfed in tranquillity and the essence of the sweet sensation of solitude. It was gently lulling you to sleep.


You jolted up from the sudden sound. Something had hit your window.



That could only mean one thing.

"YOOHOO, hey y/n let me inn."

It was the purple prick himself, Kokichi Oma. You hold back your grin as you notice his apparel. His hair was slicked back because of the rain, and he was wearing a purple pullover bat raincoat over his cow onesie. Looks like he just put some random raincoat (that's 3 sizes too small for him) over his pyjamas, hope he didn't steal it.

"Kichi, what are you doing?" you say as you open the window.

He climbs through and replies, "Urgh, you know I couldn't just stay cooped up in my house all day without being able to go out. So, I decided to go over and spend my time at the house of my beloved, the best, most funniest amazingest rainy day buddy ever!"

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