First "I love you"

625 17 45

I had so many formatting issues on this chapter, please excuse the fact it might look iffy.


"Kokichi, stop pouring so many packets of sugar into my coffee," Kaito grumbles as he snatches his cup out of Kokichi's grasp. "Why do we even invite you out?"

"Because without me, everything would be sooo boring," Kokichi replies, now pouring sugar into Shuichi's hat.

Kokichi, Shuichi, Kaito, and Maki were hanging out at a coffee shop by the school as an afternoon retreat.

"I'm going now Kaito, I have things to do. See you Shuichi," Maki says as she gets off her seat.

" 'Kay, love you Maki," Kaito grins while giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

She mumbles it back under her breath and soon departs.

"Urghh, what's up with couples doing this lovey-dovey stuff just because it's nearly Valentines Day. It's so gross," Kokichi sighs as he rests the sugar sachets on the table.

"It's not 'lovey-dovey' stuff; I was he was just saying bye to Maki. Don't you and Y/n do the same?" Shuichi inquires, not yet noticing the abundance of sugar overflowing his hat.

"What do you mean?"

"Kokichi....have you two not said 'I love you' to each other yet?"

"Huh? W-well."

Kaito then leans forward in his chair, suddenly interested in the conversation, "Answer this for me. Kokichi, are you constantly craving to talk to Y/n and be with them?"

"Well duh, what would they do without me?"

Kaito takes his phone out and types a few things, "Would you say they make you a better person?"

"There's no bettering what's perfect," Kokichi replies, still not grasping what they were trying to do.

"Uh well, you have gotten into so much less trouble ever since you two starting getting close..." Shuichi comments.

"Kokichi, would you die for them?" (It's dramatic, but I had no idea what else to put)

"I almost did the other day, so I guess yes. Why are you guys asking so many questions? I feel like I'm about to get arrested and taken into questioning again."

"Kokichi you're in love with Y/n," Kaito whispers, looking deep into Kokichi's eyes.

"Say what."

"I mean, it's sort of obvious. You get jealous of them quite easily, and the signs are there. I think they love you too, Kokichi."

"It's sort of freaky how much you two are made for each other,' Kaito remarks.

"Love?" Kokichi said.

"Do I even deserve love? Could Y/n actually love me? Maybe it's just a friendly couple thing." He thought to himself.

"It's obvious. You should tell her. It's so totally obvious she feels the same." Kaito says.

"And be like you and Maki? I'll pass." he says as he fidgets with the leftover scraps of the sugar sachets.

"Kokichi..." Shuichi warns; he knows Kokichi is about to go on a ramble.

"And it's probably just a friendly couple thing. Like yeah, Y/n is gorgeous and super nice and reaallly easy to talk to and really good at cuddling me and always knows how to cheer me up and of course, I want the best for them. Who wouldn't? And I would be sad if anything bad happened to them and of course if I had to I'd marry them and start a family and-oh gosh I'm in love with them, aren't I?"

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