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At this state that the two parents were panicking,Chaeyoung decided to step up.

"Where's the car keys?"She asked.

"A-At the drawer there at the living room."Bona said.Chaeyoung ran to get it.

"Let's go!"Jisoo carried Lia to the car,she ride at the passenger's seat then Bona sat next to her.Chaeyoung went at the driver's seat then she drove them to the hospital,in no time they came there and Lia was assisted by the nurses.

"Please stay here Miss,we will take care of the kid."The nurse said as she put the curtains,now Jisoo can't see what's happening to her daughter.Jisoo was walking back and forth,this is the first time Chaeyoung saw Jisoo's panicking side,she's almost crying.Chaeyoung felt so nervous for Lia too and she doesn't know why.Bona walked towards Jisoo.

"I-I'm sorry..I-I don't know I-I don't have any idea."Bona said.Instead of getting angry,she hugged her wife.

"I know honey it's not your fault.Okay?"She said as she tried her best to stay calm.Chaeyoung look away.


The nurse came out.

"Who's that kid's parent?She told me her name's Lia."The doctor said.

"It's us."Jisoo said."How is she?"

"She's fine,it's just normal allergic reaction.Is this the first time?"

"Yup."Bona answered.

"Okay so we'll recommend some medicines that she'll need to drink the next weeks,then some allergy medicine that will help her in case of some allergy reactions."The doctor said.

"Okay.When will she be discharged?"Jisoo asked.

"If we find nothing wrong with her the next hours,we can discharge her tomorrow."The doctor said.

"Okay thank you."

"You're daughter's right there,you can now go to her.I'll be checking over later."

"Get my daughter the best doctor here and give her a better room tonight.I can pay."Jisoo said.She always want the best treatment for her daughter.

"If that's what you want,I'll ask someone to assist you for your demands."The doctor said.They went to Lia's bed,the little girl was awake already.

"Hi baby."Bona greeted her."I'm sorry mama hurt you."She said,patting the little girl's head.

"I know you don't want me hurt,mama."Lia cupped her face in her small hands,as she tried to wipe her mama's tears."Lia okay mama don't cry."Jisoo smiled,she loves seeing her family.For a while they waited for Lia to be transferred to a private room.After she was transferred,the girl was checked again before she slept.

"You won't go home?It's not like I don't want you here,but your family might be waiting for you."Jisoo said.

"I can't.I want to but I'll be worried all night if I won't know how Lia is doing."It's true,she doesn't understand but she's so worried to Lia like the girl's her own daughter.

"Okay.Thanks for staying and helping us earlier.We can't function well if our daughter's in a bad state.Good thing you're there."Chaeyoung smiled.

"That's nothing."Bona was watching them,but she didn't do anything.

It's fine..this is what you want,right?

"I'll just call someone."Chaeyoung walked out of the room,then she called Chanyeol.

"Hello!Are you in Seoul already?"Chanyeol asked.

"Yeah.But something happened so I can't go home tonight."


"How's Junkyu?"

"Doing great.I just put him to sleep.He said he misses you."

"I wanna go home but I know if I leave her I won't be at peace.Please watch over Junkyu tonight.I'll go home tomorrow I promise."

"No worries.I like spending time with this boy anyway."

"Thanks,Yeol.I owe you a lot."

"It's okay.See you tomorrow."

"See you."

THE AFFAIR(JISOO G!P|CHAESOO|BONASOO)[COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora