7.5~ how dare he?

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I sit on the couch, playing R.B.I. Baseball and enjoying my time alone.

I hate to admit it but...

"...it's kinda lonely without him"
I mutter under my breath.
Suddenly my phone starts ringing.

"Well speaking of the devil"
I mumble as I answer the phone.

"Pick me up"

"What? Why would I?"

"Dunno the way"
He says in a small voice.

"Not my problem. Great. Now I fucked up the pitch because of you"
I say, beginning to get irritated.

He says, his voice sounding even weirder.
"Please. Can you pick my up?"

Is he....

"Icyhot, are you crying?"
I sit up straight and put the controller away.

"No, but I'm really close so pick me the fuck up"
He hangs up the phone.

"How dare he..."
I growl and stand up, making my way over to the door.
"How the fuck dare that little ass-faced prick make him cry"

Not 10 minutes later, I stop the bike infront of the house of the most annoying person I know. Not wanting to also enter, I take out my phone and call Icyhot, who declines the call, meaning he's probably going to be down any second. I go back a little, hiding behind a hedge, from where I can already see Icyhot wavin deku goodbye with a fake smile, that fades the second he turns away.

I raise my hand and wave a little.
Icyhot walks over to me, with his gaze averted.

"You ok-"

"I'm fine. Let's just go"
He cuts me off with a harsh tone of voice.

"Yes sir"
I mumble
"Come on. Sit on the handle bar. There are no hills, so it's easier this way"

He does as I say and we make our way back to the house. He doesn't say a word, just grips onto the bike unnecessarily tight for the fact that there are no bumps on the road whatsoever.

The second we enter, he excuses himself to the restroom. Or better- he tries, but fails because I stop him.

"Fuck no!"
I grab his wrist.
"Icyhot, you're crying and I know exactly what you're planing to do in there. And it's not pee or shit or jack off"

"God you're such a creep"
He hisses and tries to free himself of my grip.

I yell and he freezes.
"You can tell me, y'know? You already told me everything when you were drunk. About your arms, your....dad...and that stuff"

"I-I did?"
He asks with a shaky voice, still refusing to look at me and me still refusing to let go of him.

"Yes. So...just trust me a little more, will ya?"
I say after a while of silence.
I let go of his hand and he just stands there, eventually looking over his shoulder.

"I'm not a crybaby"

"Of course you aren't"
I sigh.

"Bakugou, they just kept asking questions about you and at some point switched over to asking about me not staying at my house and just kept talking about why my father could let me stay with you, because he's such a good person, that cares about his son and-"
He stops talking and starts sobbing, leaving me just standing there awkwardly, not sure of what to do.

I say hesitantly.
"Don't cry.... uhm... do you want a hug?"

Without an answer, he finally turns around and hugs me, pressing his face into my shoulder. I was able to get a glimpse of his face. He really is crying and probably has been since he got onto the bike. His tear soaked cheeks are red and so are his watery eyes. It's a sight that makes me angry, making me fume, when I just think about that insensitive, goody two-shoes nerd asking him a bunch if questions he is clearly uncomfortable with. But I surpress it, folding it neatly, like a christmas sweater after christmas, putting it all the way into the back of my mind, where it can wait to be released when the time comes (or quietly fester as a mental illness). Either way, it should stay out of situation, so I take a deep breath and pull Todoroki closer.

"See? That's better"
I whisper and start stroking his hair.
"Don't worry, I'm here"

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