Chapter 20: Toshinori's Talk!

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Izuku POV:

"Cut it out Kacchan!" I reach for my notebook as he waves it over my head.

"Or what? You'll use your quirk?" Kacchan mocks.

"Face it Deku, you aren't a late bloomer, you're a pipe dreamer! You will never be a hero." Kacchan growls and tosses my journal across the school yard. His friends laugh and kick at me as I run over to get my notebook.

Kacchan's teasing is starting to get worse these days. Everyday after school he hunts me down. He normally takes something from me and then yells at me for a few minutes until he gets bored. He and his friends have ganged up on me everyday for the past school year. At least it's summer now. I don't have any friends, with the exception of Hitoshi and Shoto. But Shochan doesn't go to this school and Hitoshi is in different classes. Plus, I wouldn't want him getting dragged into my problems. I hear he has his own bullies.

But we make sure to hang out after school, far from where our bullies would find us. We either hang out by his orphanage, my house, the old arcade, or the beach. Everywhere else is basically crawling with people waiting to make fun of us.

"Hey, Izuku, where are we going today?" Hitoshi runs up behind me as we walk away from the school.

"Does the arcade sound nice today? We haven't been in a while and I've been saving up spare change." I smile.

"Alright, but we look like total nerds. I don't know anyone else who even goes to old places like this. We can just play these games online." Hitoshi shrugs.

"I know, but there is something special about playing them in the arcade. It feels kind of neat." I sigh.

"'Neat'? You sound like an old man!" Hitoshi laughs.

"I'm right though!" I argue.

"I know, otherwise I wouldn't go with you. Let's go to the arcade!" Hitoshi pumps a fist into the air and we make our way downtown to the old arcade.

This part of town is a lot safer from bullies, seeing as it's advised that children don't hang around here. This is the crime ridden part of Musutafu. Hitoshi and I come here to watch hero fights and to hang out at the arcade. Other than that we're hardly ever caught dead down 1 of these streets.

The arcade was built a long time ago, and used to be the pride and joy of Musutafu. Of course when handheld games came out the arcade instantly started failing. And now, a few generations later, it's always empty. That makes it the perfect spot for me and Hitoshi to hang out. The games don't work very well, and the staff could care less about us, but it's our hang out spot nonetheless!

"So, what are you gonna do for summer?" Hitoshi slides tokens into a claw machine.

"I'm probably going to train all summer. I've got to be ready when my quirk comes." I smile.

"And have there been any updates on your quirk?" He focuses in on a small, and kind of deformed, cat plush within the machine.

"Not yet..." I sigh.

"I'm sure it'll come eventually. There's really nothing to be too worried about. Just pray that you don't get a quirk like mine." Hitoshi puts more tokens into the machine after his claw comes back empty handed.

"What?! Your quirk is so cool!" I gasp.

"All it does is get me in trouble. People think I'm some kind of villain." He leans back.

"Yeah, and people thought my brother's quirk made him a villain. Now he's getting ready to start school at UA's hero course! No matter what other people think, I know you can do great things with your quirk." I pass him more tokens.

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