Chapter 3: The Dating Game!

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Gran Torino POV:

"There's no way that one's real." I scoff as Toshinori takes his time scrolling through who he linked up with on the dating site.

"What?" Toshinori looks at me like I'm crazy.

"No, I'd have to agree with Gran Torino on this one. There's no way his butt is actually that big. It's edited, therefore it's not trustworthy." Mirai sighs.

Mirai and I have been scrolling through Toshinori's dating links all afternoon. So far only a few of them have been real or worthy. About 60% of them have been fake and 30% of them seem like gold diggers or just unlikable people. That leaves 10%, which is still more than I thought he would get. We've narrowed it down to the good options, the questionable, and the best. It's clear Toshinori has too much faith in strangers online, so I've got to set him straight. The best options for him right now include a scientist who's dedicated his life to making new medications, that's what his profile said, and a bright and happy woman who just moved to Japan from Turkey. I think she's a catch.

"I don't know... it's a little sudden for me to go on a date today." Toshinori scratch's his chin.

"If not now then when?" Mirai asks him with a smile.

"Quit being a wimp, Toshinori! Let's get you dressed, your first date is lunch with that very nice young woman from Turkey." I growl as I drag him into his bedroom.

"It's lunch so you can dress more casually. Here, try this on!" Mirai sings, handing Toshinori a pair of jeans and baseball length tee-shirt.

"R-right." Toshinori nods and shuffles into the bathroom to change. I don't know how such a nervous person became our number one hero. It's kind of scary to think about.

Toshinori walks out and presents himself. The outfit isn't bad, it might look better with a belt though. He decides he'd like a jacket so Mirai suggests a blazer to make it a little fancier. So he does just that and slides on a gray blazer. Now his hair, his outfit, and his makeup are done.

"You look good." Mirai nods as Toshinori walks towards his car.

"Thanks." Toshinori smiles.

"Good luck, and if things don't work out, let her know who I am." I laugh.

"Torino!" He blushes as he buckles himself in.

And just like that, he's gone. Now I can get some real work done. It's hard to babysit that old fool all day, and now I've got to turn in some stuff for the hero commission. I think it's finally about time I retire. Once I turn in my hero license and file for some retirement junk, I'll be able to kick back. And I mean really relax, not watch Toshinori all day. I deserve a break after everything. Maybe I'll do some catching up with Chiyo, she's still as gorgeous as ever.


Apparently foreign chicks have higher standards than Toshinori. He showed up and she saw him and left the table without saying anything! She had the right to reject him but she at least could've done it nicely. Oh well, she's kind of out of his league anyways. Maybe we were too hopeful about Toshinori. Now he's all sad and mopey while Mirai tries to get him ready for his next date. He's got a date with that science guy tonight at a very fancy restaurant, and I can already tell it won't go well.

I did some research on the guy and I found out about his social media presence. Turns out he's a total quirkist. He thinks he's all that because he's got a wisdom quirk. I think his quirk's drawback is having an ego bigger than his forehead, and his forehead is pretty damn big.

But I'm not going to tell Toshinori. It's important for him to learn first hand how to deal with these types of people. Soon enough he'll be able to see these types of red flags a mile away. Still, I can't help but feel kind of bad for sending him in the dark to that date.

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