Chapter 6: Late Night With Izuku!

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Toshinori POV:

It was three weeks before I could take Izuku home. Our baby, Inko's baby, had been in bad condition for a while. Before that, we held the funeral. I don't think I've ever felt so weak. I wish I could've saved her, I wanted to swoop in and take her away with me. But we couldn't run from this problem. And I lost her.

Today is the day I'm going to pick Izuku up. He's healthy enough to come home, but he'll need frequent doctor visits. Recovery Girl offered to help us, so she became his pediatrician. The drive to the hospital to the house is a short one, but it's still too long. I just want to take Izuku home already. I don't want him to be alone in a cold dark room. I want him with me, in his nursery, playing with toys and learning to walk. I just want him to come home already.

The moment I walked through the hospital doors a nurse was directing me around. She would say things but it was all in one in and out the other. Eventually she brought me to Izuku and told me to have safe travels. This is when the world became real again.

"My baby." I whisper as I hold him close to me. This is my first time touching him, and he's far too light. He's so fragile, I don't want to hurt him.

Izuku makes spit bubbles with his mouth as I sit him in his car seat. It's cute until he pulls on my hair. Every so often he just has the urge to pull a strand out of my skull. I'm not mad at him though, he's just exploring this big new world after all.

"You're so sweet Izuku." I coo as I pull into the driveway. He makes spit bubbles again as a response.

"Come one, let me show you your room. You'll like it. Your mommy and I worked very hard to get it ready for you." I smile and start to tear up. I open the door to his room and sit him down in his little baby chair.

"Look, this is for you." I grin and show him a small tan teddy bear. He giggles and squeals as soon as it's in front of him. He reaches out and grabs it by its arm, but his hands aren't really strong enough yet to hold it on his own so I pick him and the bear up as I walk towards the kitchen.

"You want something to eat? I'm sure you must be hungry." I laugh lightly as I rest him in the high chair next to his bear. I pour the formula into a bottle and microwave it while making faces for Izuku, who watches everything with wide eyes of wonder.

"Here we go." I huff as I lift him up and start to nurse him. He suckles on the tip of the bottle for a while before refusing to have any more. Once he was finished I sat him down on a playmat after burping him. He flips onto his stomach and giggles as he grapples with his teddy bear.

"You sure are cute. Hey, are you going to be this nice this weekend? Masaru, Mitsuki, and their son Katsuki will be over to meet you. My friend, Mirai, he's coming too, but he'll be here tonight once he gets off work. Promise to be good?" I whisper as he wraps his hand around just my pinky finger. He drools down his shirt and smiles with his big ol' cheeks.

"Cut that out, it's too cute!" I grin and Izuku laughs. I pick him up and set him upright on his playmat, leaning him against his bear as I take some pictures to send to the others. Mitsuki's been demanding a few photos for the past few hours, I'd hate to not deliver.

Eventually Mirai showed up, he came very prepared. Very, very prepared. Two bags, each with diapers, formula, bottles, teething toys, plush toys, towels, bibs, anything else that a baby might need. He seemed a bit over prepared in my opinion, but it's better than nothing I suppose.

"Toshinori! Oh, there he is." Mirai waves to me before cooing at Izuku, who's still in the habit of reaching for my hair.

"This is my best friend, Sasaki Mirai. And Mirai, this is Izuku." I gently pass Izuku to Mirai who cradles him with soft whispers.

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