Chapter 10: Back to All Might!

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Toshinori POV:

6 months old already. The time just flies by, Izuku is really growing up! He started crawling 2 days ago and needless to say I freaked out. I wasn't expecting him to speed into the kitchen on all 4's. He's halfway to his first year. And that's just Izuku! Tenko has grown plenty himself. He's gotten taller and gained some much needed weight. He's six now and he's going to start school shortly. He's been seeing a professional about his quirk and he's improved quite a lot. I couldn't be more proud of my babies.

As for myself, I've been slacking off. My body has healed to the point that using moves while maintaining One for All at full power doesn't even have an effect. But despite my training I haven't done any real work. An occasional robbery, cat stuck in a tree, or just some public event, these are the only places that All Might has been spotted recently. If I'm honest, I'm starting to get antsy. I feel the need to uphold my promise as the symbol of peace! So color me surprised when the hero commission gave me a call.

"All Might, this is the head of destructive crime relations from the Hero Commission." A strong feminine sounds over my phone.

"Oh, I-I see. Is there something I can help you with?" I clear my throat while watching Izuku crawl around the living room chasing Tenko and Gran Torino.

"You've been requested to come help with an invasion of a highly active criminal base. We meet up at the U.N.H.C in two hours. Be there." She speaks sternly before hanging up. She didn't even give me a chance to decline. Not that I was going to.

But the kids! I can't just leave Izuku and Tenko here alone. And there's no way I'm leaving them at the United Nations Hero Center. It's not that I don't trust the heroes, but I don't trust them with my kids! Not everyone is cut out to be a parent or even a babysitter, that's just how it is. So where do I find a babysitter in such short notice? I don't want to just leave them with the Bakugou's, they have their own son to worry about.

"I'm making a snack, move." Gran Torino grunts as he walks past me to get to the kitchen. That's it! Even if he's not the best influence, Gran is my best choice.

"Gran, I just got a call from the hero commission, I have to head out on a mission." I start.

"A mission? What do they need All Might for? Where's Endeavor?" He huffs as he reaches for a ramen cup.

"I don't know, but it's some very serious raid that I have to attend. They didn't give me a choice so I have to get to the United Nations Hero Center in two hours." I sigh.

"In Kyoto? That's a long drive, you better get going." Gran shoves his ramen into the microwave.

"Right, and you'll watch the kids?" I rub the back of my neck.

"Of course! I was watching them already. Now hurry, if you're late you'll never hear the end of it." Gran nods.

"Okay. Thank you." I smile and walk towards the garage.

"Bye boys! I love you and I'll be back soon. So be good for Gran!" I wave to Tenko and Izuku.

"Bye dad! We love you. Good luck." Tenko giggles from the sofa.

With that I'm in my car and heading to the U.N.H.C. It's an hour and half drive and I'd like to allow extra time incase of traffic. This is my first big mission since my injury, I will succeed. That's my job as the number 1 hero and symbol of peace!


Gran Torino POV:

"Alright, what rules do we break first?" I laugh as I finish my snack and walk over to the kids.

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