Chapter 9: Diapers in Paradise!

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Tenko POV:

It's been a whole two weeks since Toshinori became my new dad and a lot has changed. Like, I used to sleep in the nursery with Izuku but now the old office is my room. I've never had my own room before, I used to share one before but now I've got my own! Also, Mister Mirair took me to his work and I got to see Sir Nighteye Agency, it's weird that All Might's sidekick has an agency but not him. Oh well, it was still cool! I also learned about Toshinori's secret. His real job is being All Might! But I can't tell anyone, or villains might find out.

It's okay though, because I know everything will be just fine as long as I'm with Toshinori. Even when he isn't All Might, I know he can protect me. He said that's what dads do.

"Tenko do you want a haircut?" Toshinori asks.

"No. I like my hair. It keeps me warm." I smile as I build blocks with Izuku. He's not very good at building but he's still nice to have around.

"That makes sense. But you have to brush it better if you want to keep it long. It's all tangly." He sighs while he ruffles my hair.

"Okay, but you have to help me brush it!" I grin.

"Alright! I'll grab a brush after lunch then we'll get those tangles out." He snickers.

"Yay!" I bounce, causing Izuku to get excited. Whenever I smile around him he mimics me. I'm a great role model after all.

"Speaking of lunch, I've got some left over Katsudon. I'll heat it up so be ready to eat in about 15 minutes, okay?" Toshinori says as he stretches.

"Mhm!" I nod.

"Thanks, keep an eye on Izuku." He walks towards the kitchen and I turn my attention back to my block tower.

Before, Gran and I used to keep an eye on Izuku but now he and Mirai have to work again. I know they work because they have to and being heroes is important, but I get bored sometimes. I don't blame Izuku but he's not fun all the time. He naps too much and can't keep a good conversation, so I mostly have to entertain myself. Which isn't bad but I wish Gran was here. He used to play a lot with me. He sneaked my candy and would run around the backyard with me. It's okay, I'll get to see him this weekend! So I'll just look forward to that.

"Ba." Izuku makes spit bubbles as shoves a block in his mouth.

"Don't do that. Blocks are for building, not eating!" I laugh.

He looks at me with a hint of confusion before handing me the block.

"See they go on the tower!" I point at my very well built block tower.

"Buh." He sticks his tongue out.

"Only two months old and you're being critical of me. I can't believe you." I stick my tongue out towards him which makes his giggle. I gently lift Izuku up and sit him beside me.

"Look at that." I point out the window.

"It's a big cloud. Izuku, what do clouds feel like?" I turn to him, he's cuddling his blanket.

"Maybe they do feel like a blanket... I wish I could touch a cloud and find out. Maybe one day I will! I'm going to be a great hero after all. I'm sure heroes touch clouds, if they can fly. I wonder if I can fly?" I ponder.

"Gran can fly, but that's because of his quirk. My quirk doesn't make me fly. But maybe I could learn from a bird or something?" I giggle.

"Boys! Time for lunch!" Toshinori shouts.

"Coming dad!" I yell as I pick Izuku up and hurry to the kitchen.


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