Chapter 11: Meeting the Todoroki's!

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Enji POV:

A meeting was the last thing I needed today. Touya kept demanding to use his quirk despite my begging him not to, Natsuo threw a ball through a window, and Fuyumi broke her bicycle again! The only obedient child I have is Shoto, I'm not sure how much longer that's going to last...

Now I'm driving across town to meet up at All Might's house and talk about necessary actions against some giant villain. He disappeared for over a year and now he's demanding we fight a useless battle. What's worse is the fact that Best Jeanist sees no problems with All Might's actions. He says that the break he took must've been overdue. He doesn't understand at all the job of Number 1 hero.

"Endeavor! Glad you could make it, please come in." All Might smiles as I walk into his house. It's large and in a fairly nice location.

"Jeanist." I nod to the number 3.

"Endeavor." He waves back and we walk into All Mights kitchen. If I'm honest his taste in furniture is appalling, everything feels too heavy, it's too western.

"Here's the latest updated locations on the villain we're tracking." Sir Nighteye emerges and turns on some projector. It displays several locations all over Japan.

"We can start chasing this guy in sector 12 but be warned, our drones couldn't keep up." Sir Nighteye says. Like I'll take advice from a pathetic sidekick, he's just All Might's pet.

"I'm sure we'll be fine. I'm a lot faster than a drone." I grumble.

"I'm sure you are." Jeanist sighs. Then I feel a tap on my leg. Multiple taps, it's like something is hitting me.

"What the-" I look down and find a child, not even a year old, banging on my leg for attention.

"Ah- Izuku! You're supposed to stay in the other room!" All Might wheezes as he grabs the baby.

"Dad, Izuku won't listen to me!" Another child appears from behind a door.

"Dad?" I mumble. All Might isn't supposed to have kids.

"Right, you haven't met Tenko yet. Endeavor, Best Jeanist, these are my sons Izuku and Tenko." All Might waves for the older boy to come meet us. He's as old as Touya and the other is about Shoto's age.

"I didn't expect you to have kids." Jeanist shakes Tenko's hand but at this point I've stopped listening. This bastard has kids?! He's just trying to get under my skin at this point. They must be strong, nearly as strong as their father. They must do rigorous training. I must know what they're doing so my masterpiece can out do them!

"No time to fool around, let's meet again on Tuesday to carry out our attack." Sir Nighteye says. I must've missed the rest of the meeting. Those brats did that to me. I watch Sir Nighteye and Best Jeanist leave the house. Now I stand alone with All Might. This is my time to make a move.

"All Might, you know I've got some kids about that age." I turn to look at the man.

"That's right, isn't it?" He smiles.

"Yeah. I think it might be beneficial for our children to meet." I speak gruffly.

"Beneficial? Oh, like a play date!" He uses that damn cheery voice of his.

"Yes. Let's meet at my house, tomorrow night, 5:00 PM, for dinner." I growl.

"That sounds nice! I'm sure they'll get along great." He claps.

"Right, I'll see you then." I nod and rush out of his house. My plan has been set in motion! I'll get the kids to find out what All Might is using as training and then I'll surpass that. Shoto, my masterpiece, will succeed and become the next number 1 hero!

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