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Hi guys! This has nothing to do with the fan fic but I think this would be the best way to get this news out there!

If you read my A/N at the end of the Epilogue then you saw that I had a new story out called Down the Hill.

Well... that story isn't gonna be coming out anytime soon lol. That's only because I started it but then school got in the way and I lost motivation for it.

I do plan on pursuing that story because I feel like a lot of people will like it but I don't know exactly when I'll get motivation for it again.

With that said, I do have other news that I think you'd guys will hopefully like!

I have a new story out!!! (That I do plan on pursuing and will finish it lol!

It's called Intangible and it's a murder mystery meets enemies to lover book! It is 18+ ;) ;) lol!

I'd gratefully appreciate it if you guys checked it out and recommend it to others!!!

I've posted the first three chapters (just to gage how people respond to it and like it) and hope you guys like it and want me and comment!

Anyway that's all I wanted to say! I hope you guys liked Infinity and I hope to see you guys with my new book!

Love you and hope you guys have an amazing day!

-rachel <3


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