~ Chapter 11 ~

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Present Day
~The Amazon

"What did you just say?" I said, making me stop running my fingers through his hair.

There's no way our family is here after so many years. Not when Druig and I technically left on a bad note.

"Wait. You're telling me that our family, the ones we left many centuries ago are here? Right now?" I said, not even giving him time to speak.

"Freya, I'm in the exact same boat as you. I don't know why they are here but if the whole family is here it can't necessarily be good news." He said, pulling away and sitting upright on the bed.

"Do you think they're here because it has something to do with that deviant?" I asked cautiously, knowing it's still a very touchy topic.

"I'm afraid so, but there's only one way to find out." He said, standing up.

Huffing, I laid back down covering my eyes with my arm—-not wanting to get up.

"Hello Sprite." I heard Druig say.

Lifting my arm away, I saw Druig facing the door while his eyes flashed yellow before turning back to his beautiful blue color.

He turned back to me with a smirk while reaching out his hand.

"Shall we go reunite with our family my beautiful Freya?" He asked, while I put my hand in his and he pulled me up from the bed.

"Not really but better now than ever." I said, before he gave me a quick peck on my lips and we headed out the door.

Walking hand in hand with Druig, he opened the doors while we walked out.

The people in the village were staring skeptically at the group of seven people before us.

I couldn't really blame them, there's never been any outsiders that have step foot in our grounds.

"Oh I've missed you!" Druig said, sarcasm rolling off of him.

"Hello everyone." I said, waving at them while giving a small smile.

"Please make yourselves at home." Druig said, gesturing for them all to go through the doors.

Walking past us, I gave them all a small smile before Druig and I followed them in.

Sitting in front of the group, Druig and I have been trying to process what Sersi just told us.

So technically Druig and I were right with saying that our mission was a lie?

That everything Ajak told us was a lie to keep us from finding the truth?

And then poor Ajak—-not matter how furious I may be with her for lying to us I would never wish death upon anybody in my family.

Druig gave my hand a tight squeeze probably knowing what I was thinking.

Trying to calm my fear and anxiety he rubbed small circles on the back of my hand with his thumb.

"You've given me a lot of bad news in one go lady." Druig said, while looking at Sersi.

"Will you help us?" Sersi asked hopefully.

"I am glad-" Druig started to say but got it off by Sersi's ringtone going off.

I frowned at the device, never seeing one in person.

"I've never seen one in person." I whispered to Druig, staring intently at it while Druig gave me a soft smile.

He pecked my cheek, while wrapping an arm around my waist—-making me scoot closer to him.

"Hey what's your service? I'm not getting any bars." Kingo said, leaning closer to Sersi.

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