~ Chapter 7 ~

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Present day
~ The Amazon

(3rd person pov)

Never had Druig been so scared in his life.
Running with Freya in his arms, the only thing he could think about was his Freya.

The thought of this being their last moments together makes his heart break and his hope in life diminish.

"Please be okay. Please be okay." He whispered to himself, while finally making it to the village.

He ran into the main house, all the civilians starting to calm down from the earthquake.

But when they saw Druig—-their leader come rushing in with his queen unconscious, their fear and panic started to come back.

"Please help her." He pleaded to anybody. He didn't care how helpless he looked, he just wanted somebody to help his Freya.

For a second nobody did or said anything, they were too stunned to speak.

Finally after a few moments, an older woman rushed over to them, caressing Freya's cheek while examining the rest of her.

"Let's get her to the clinic room quick." She said, making Druig nod.

They rushed to the room while everyone else just watched, afraid that one of their leaders is taking their final breaths.

Druig gently placed Freya on the bed, while the woman went to the cabinets to get some supplies.

Druig was tugging his hair anxiously pacing back and forth beside the bed. He could barely breathe and couldn't utter a single word.

"What happened?" The lady said while sitting beside the bed, placing a cold cloth over Freya's forehead.

"I-um. S-she, I don't-" Druig could barely get a single word out, his breaths coming out clipped and short.

The lady looked over seeing his breathing start to become irregular and his eyes glazed over.

"Druig. Please calm down, you're having a panic attack." She calmly said, while going over to him and rubbing his shoulders soothingly.

"I-is she going to be okay?" He said, looking to his Freya.

"I believe so. But you need to tell me what exactly happened. I may be the nurse around here but there's only so much I can do if it's something deviant or power related." She said, making Druig nod his head.

From that point—-Drug told the lady whose was named Eva, about what happened. She listened intently even when Druig would get caught up in his words and a few tears slipped.

After he was done, he was sitting on the edge of the bed, caressing Freya's head while Eva stood there looking at her two leaders with adoration.

Eva knew that Freya was going to be okay. She may not know a lot about the eternals and deviants but she was one of the first ones Druig told when he brought the civilization together.

He didn't want to but he knew that if anything like this were to happened he would need somebody he trusted and knew what to do.

"Well the good news is that Freya will be okay. She just needs some time to rest and by tomorrow morning she'll be back to her normal self. However she will be pretty weak for the next few days if not weeks. The deviant did drain some of her powers away but thankfully you got there just in time before-" Eva said, trailing off at the end when Druig took in a sharp intake.

Druig just sat there looking at Freya lovingly. He continued to caress he head, while still managing to control his breathing and fear.

To be honest, neither Eva nor Druig understood how Freya was able to survive. Yes, Druig was able to save Freya just in time—-but even when he had gotten there it seemed like the deviant had been sucking her power out for hours.

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