Chapter 11

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As I sprint into this death trap, I look around and see only four other tributes running toward the cornucopia. They must be following Katniss and Peeta's strategy. They DID win this thing twice. I notice the four tributes are Yongshi, Gloria, Karthik, and some other boy. Gloria grabs a handful of knives and a bag of oranges and gets away safely. Great. Looks like it's a Battle of the Boys. And one of them happens to despise me for no apparent reason and the other is related to President Snow. I grab a backpack and sprint as fast as I can away from the cornucopia, when a spear whistles past my ear. I turn and see Yongshi running toward me with a crazed look in his eyes I have only seen in animals. He has a second spear in his hands and tackles me onto the cement.

"Look who it is. Mr. Alex Hopcarth, the peacemaker. How sweet." He smiles evilly and raises his spear and I get an idea. I look behind him and scream, pretending to see Karthik even though he is long gone probably with most of the loot, and when he looks behind I run. I run like I've never run before. He screams in frustration and barks in my direction, "MARK MY WORDS, ALEX HOPCARTH! NEXT TIME I SEE YOU, I'M GONNA KILL YA!" And I have a feeling he isn't lying.

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