⤷ forty-six

752 43 38

[be gay do crime]

emmeline: now

emmeline: someone explain to me why the hell i woke up with my tent ceiling lying ON MY FACE

remus: it's regulus' fault

regulus: ???

regulus: no you put that one up

remus: no it was you

regulus: no i do great tent putting up work

james: well mine and lily's is good

remus: yeah see THAT one i did do

regulus: he's lying

regulus: i put 90% of them up

remus: yeah and that's why 90% of them fell down

lily: can someone explain to me why that's important

ted: yeah let's get to the good stuff

ted: like what we're eating for breakfast

longbottom: who packed the food bag

mary: you were all supposed to bring your own???

marlene: LMAOOO

marlene: guess who didn't do that!!

marlene: i was gonna mooch off of you guys

emmeline: that's what i planned on doing😭😭😭

mary: oh my god

dorcas: hey mary😁😁😁

dorcas: remember me bff???

mary: i literally only packed enough for two ppl

mary: and those two people are me and reg so NO

sirius: i packed food

james: thank god

james: sharing is caring

sirius: but i only packed a sloppy joe and i ate it in the car

james: i'm going to end it all

lily: guys relax

lily: there's gotta be some town nearby

lily: we're not exactly in the middle of nowhere

ted: if i have to eat wild berries to survive i swear

marlene: why don't we just fight mary for the food


regulus: if you touch a strand of hair on her head i'm ripping off your right leg

marlene: ????

marlene: i will end you.

marlene: i'm HUNGRY

mary: okay so none of you brought food???

longbottom: see in the invitations i thought you were joking about the whole bring your own food or starve threat

regulus: well you guys have fun with that we're gonna go eat our granola bars on the beach


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