⤷ twenty-six

999 55 78

[be gay do crime]

longbottom: guys

longbottom: i have news

mary: youve finally decided to stop wearing neon?

mary: please tell me the answer is yes

longbottom: what no

longbottom: idk why you always ask that

longbottom: do you not like neon

mary: oh no i love it when my friends look like traffic cones


longbottom: don't be silly

longbottom: i never wear neon orange

longbottom: not trying to blind you all

sirius: oh don't worry ur newly shaved head fixed that for you

emmeline: oh yeah

emmeline: why did you do that anyway

emmeline: was it like a 3 am impulse thing cause if so i get it

james: i may or may not have uh

james: dared him

lily: oh my god james

james: what he said i wouldnt have the balls to ask u to the dance so i was like if i do will you shave your head and here we are

peter: i'm kind of nervous for that actually

hestia: for the ball?

peter: yeah

james: YOU'RE nervous????

peter: yeah what if my mask falls off

lily: potter why are you nervous

james: because

lily: because..?

marlene: redheads are idiots

dorcas: damn i knew you weren't a natural blonde

marlene: AYO.

remus: guess prongs is a redhead too then

james: ugh remus would you stop

sirius: yeah he already apologized

remus: i'm so sick of you two always siding with each other

longbottom: so much tension

longbottom: maybe this is a bad time for my announcement

mary: yeah it is i want to watch this unfold

regulus: Don't tell me you're pregnant Frank

longbottom: omg i am

longbottom: how did you know

regulus: I just know you so well

longbottom: good bc ur the father

regulus: Well shit

regulus: I'm not paying child support

wrong number, marauders eraWhere stories live. Discover now