⤷ forty-four

802 45 14

[be gay do crime]


marlene: sirius WHAT

regulus: it's not like we've only been reviewing for the past week

longbottom: oh reggie give him a break

longbottom: he only came to class once

regulus: don't call me that😐

longbottom: why not reggie

mary: keep doing it pls its so funny

regulus: i will throw you into the lake

mary: no you will not

regulus: no i will not

marlene: okay did you guys know

marlene: that when you turn a light bulb off it's not really on anymore

lily: ????

james: wait hold on

james: she's got a point

lily: i can't do this rn

lily: sirius let's get you last minute caught up on everything shall we?

sirius: ugh i guess

sirius: meet you at the common room?

lily: oh hell no

lily: we need the full effect

lily: meet you in the library

sirius: oh lily flower

sirius: why do you hate me so😢😢

lily: shut up and get there before i change my mind

james: yeah padfoot!

james: listen to my girl

sirius: ha ha

ted: good morning everybody!!!

regulus: well it was

emmeline: I CHOKED

hestia: not funny

emmeline: on how RUDE that was

mary: i just dropped my phone and its all of your faults

mary: do you guys remember what i said?

hestia: right sorry

ted: that's not fair i didn't do anything

ted: and it's because ur hands are so tiny

mary: shut up no they arent

ted: short ppl have tiny hands

mary: no it just fell out of my grasp

ted: sure it did

regulus: ....

regulus: macdonald what did you say

regulus: what are you talking about

marlene: oop

marlene: am i excluded from that

wrong number, marauders eraWhere stories live. Discover now