Chapter 35

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Grayson leads Mia into the facility. The facility is huge. Right in the centre of it are a few chairs and a long steel table.

Dom, Roman, Diana and Victor walk towards the chairs. David comes inside the facility with 2 men and a woman.

Mia looks at the two men in awe. The men are tall, well built and handsome. The lady is as elegant and lethal as they come. The men and the woman have a grace in their walk and have very calculated moves. They take in their surroundings and land their eyes on Mia.

Mia gets a little conscious and looks at herself and tries to smoothen out her dress.

" Don't worry love you look beautiful" says Dom and kisses her head. Mia smiles and melts.

" Hunter Matt Blood" says the man with the forest green eyes and a deep voice. They are my team Igor Mayakovski and Jessica Logan. ( My characters from Billionaire Spies)

All three shake their hands and with the rest of the team as well.

"So I hope you guys were not followed?" asks Hunter

"No" says Grayson

"Mia! these people are here to help us" says Dom and makes her sit on the table

Mia doesn't say anything and just keeps staring at them. She is kind of scared about Hunter and his intimidating look.

"Hey! Why the scared look? Don't worry they will not eat you. That look of theirs is part of the job" says Jess smilingly

Mia relaxes a bit after seeing a smiling  Jess.

Mia is made to lay down on the table and given sedatives. They wait until she passes out.

"Hunter!Igor!Jess! thank you for coming at such a short notice"says Grayson

"It's not a problem Grayson.We are just doing our job.As soon as we knew that you needed help we hopped on the first plane and reached here.Happy to help you"says Igor

Dominic,David,Roman and Diana are watching them and are clueless as to who thery are.

"Team! These three are one of our best undercover agents. They are the second generation working for the government as undercovers.They are exceptional in what they do" says Greyson to his team.

The Elite team relaxes and fall into easy conversation.

"What's her story?"asks Hunter

"What makes you say she has a story?" asks Dom

"You her fiance?"asks Igor

Dom nods his head

"Look Dominic, even on the surface, Mia is no ordinary girl. People do not go about inserting transmitters into ordinary people" says Jess, producing the transmitter that she removed from Mia. 

The Elite team is shocked and at the same time impressed with the efficiency in which Jess worked and removed the transmitter from Mia even before they knew.

"That was impressive!!"Victor says, appreciating Jess.

Jess smiles and walks towards Igor.

They put the transmitter on the table and wonder what is so special about Mia that she is been fitted with a transmitter.

"If I am not wrong I think Rogue isn't the one to waste time on useless things. Mia is somehow someone very important that Rogue wants. From the information that we have on Rogue he is crazy rich so this isn't about the money. He runs a lot of strip clubs as well so it's not about he trying to get his dick wet. I think Mia holds far something too powerful that Rogue wants" concludes Hunter

Everyone listen to Hunter and absorb every word he says. Hunter is meticulous in what he does. He can never go wrong in his information as he checks his information with different sources as well. 

" Now that we have removed the transmitter I would suggest you guys still hold onto it and keep passing wrong information until we get to know why Rogue wants her. Also, because we don't want him taking Mia away" says Igor

Dom tenses at the words so does the entire team. 

" Don't worry Dominic we will be your shadows and keep Mia safe" says Jess and pats his back.

" Oh I also heard that Mia picked up few chatters when you guys were on a mission. I would like to see it. I will send it across to my girlfriend as she is very good at deciphering codes" says Hunter

Dominic immediately removes the chatters written on the paper and gives it to him.

"Monarch Devil breakdown Touchdown Intimate Cavalier"

"Queen bee Guarded"

Igor and Jess also have a look at it and are clueless. Hunter takes a pic of it and sends it to Hope his girlfriend.

" We will keep in touch Captain and in case you find out anything about do let us know" says Hunter and walks away with his team.

" Wow!! Those men were freaking hot" says Diana

" I second that" says Mia slowly getting up from the table.

Dominic and Victor glare at Mia and Diana.

Grayson and the Elite team gather together and take a minute of freedom. They strategise a plan for the coming days.

Dom has Mia on his lap and rubbing her back since he knows it's too much for Mia to take in. Imagine being bugged for her entire life. Imagine being constantly looking behind her back.

" It's a sick game he is playing here. Come to think of it he knew exactly where Mia was at any given time. He purposely sent his men in search of her even though he knew where she was. He is a twisted bastard" screams Grayson thinking of the time Mia called him when she saw Rogue's men at her college.

It's still a mystery as to why Rogue is so obsessed with Mia and why the hell is he torturing her like this.

Mia is silent and not saying anything. It seems like she is going back into her shell. Dominic and the whole team look shattered.

The most powerful team The Elite Team has an enemy whose strength and potential they are not able to gauge. For the first time in their lives they are shit scared.

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