Chapter 13

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" That is what I am scared of Dominic. He is a monster and he stops at nothing. Please don't do anything to help me. If you have to help me just just don't look into my past" pleads Mia.

" Whatever you say Kid" says Victor looking at Dom and nodding slowly.

Dom takes Mia to his place and the rest follow. They order take away and Mia bakes some cookies.

" God Mia your cookies are to die for" says Roman snatching the last piece of cookie from David

Mia immediately offers hers to David and he gladly takes it.

David pulls her between him and Roman. He takes her hand and starts to draw some random patterns.

"Mia! You are fine right" asks David softly

Mia lays her head on his shoulder and nods but he can feel her sadness. A lone tear escapes her eyes and drenches his shirt. She tightens her grip on his hand

" I... I don't know why he did that!! He got pleasure seeing me cry. He ... He said he got a high when he bet me. I never understood what mistake I did for me to be tortured by him. Nothing made sense then; my parents death,sudden intrusion of my relatives, he beating me, none of it. I shudder thinking what he would do to me if he gets a hold of me now. I did rather die now than being tortured by him David, I am truly scared of him" says Mia and more fat tears pour down her cheeks.

Its a heart wrenching sight to watch the bubbly,sassy Mia crying and scared.

Dominic has an untamed fire that he wants to unleash it on Vaughan. He needs to hurt the person who hurt an innocent girl and her little brother.

After 4 months:

Its been months after the incident. Mia and Dominic start to hang out often. Mia is at Dominic's place most of the time. One of the guys or Di is always with Mia. They haven't left her alone even at the office Mia is constantly with either Grayson or one of the team members.

Dominic is frustrated since he doesn't get anything about Vaughan. Dominic hugs Mia most of the time but never kisses her.

" Dominic can I ask you something?" asks Mia innocently

"Yup" says Dominic and turns towards her. He loves to see Mia's eyes through her glasses. It always reminds him of a little fawn with big eyes

" Why don't you kiss me on my head or cheeks like the way David or Victor or Roman does.You always hug and never kiss" says Mia looking at him with her large curious eyes.

Dominic raises his eyebrows and thinks how innocent she is that even the thought of a kiss isn't dirty to her. For her it's a simple kiss but for me I know if I kiss her once I would never be able to let go of her even to her college because my thoughts aren't as innocent as hers.

David,Victor and Roman are waiting for an answer. David surely knows it's going to be some R rated answer and he so wants to close Mia's ears.

" Because Mia baby I don't kiss .... I devour a person in my kiss" says Dominic huskily.

David face palms himself. Mia has her eyes popping out. Roman and Victor smirk at Dominic.

Mia walks away with a blush on her face.

" Are you out of your mind!!" yells David to Dom

" Why?"

" Because you don't talk to a harmonal teenager like that. What if she wants to experience it? What if she goes and asks any random guy to kiss her?" yells David

" No she would not" says Dom

" This is Mia we are talking about Dom!!Don't you remember how you and Ro caught her trying to drink beer in a closet. The other time she wanted to try drugs since she saw some pothead snort and thought that was cool" stats David


" David! David! Where are you?" Mia comes to his house hurriedly

" What's up kid? Why are you looking for David" asks Vic

" I was looking for both of you!" says Mia excitedly

" What's up Muffin?" asks David pulling his t shirt over his head before sitting beside Mia

" You know what" Mia starts to say excitedly widening her eyes which looks even more bigger through her glasses.

David and Victor try to control their laugh looking at her being so excited.
David had made a point to encourage Mia to tell him or Victor what every happens at college and her she was telling them what had happened

" One guy was doing something funny with some powder and a note. I was looking at him and ...and he called me and asked if ...if I wanted it. I said yes and he gave me this packet and asked me not to share but you both are my best friends and I will share it with you" says Mia and starts to search her bag

David and Victor suddenly stiffen at what she says and keep looking at her.

Mia finally produces the white powder packet and both David and Victor freeze looking at it.

David snatches it from her and smells it. His eyes goes wide and he holds Mia's wrist tightly and pulls her to him. His face is inches from hers and he is furious he holds her jaw in his hand tightly as well

" Who the fuck gave you this Mia?"asks David angrily

" I told you I don't know that guy. He was doing something funny and I watched and he gave me this" says Mia getting scared seeing David like that.

" David! Stop it you are scaring her" says Victor trying to pull David back.
But David isn't moving even a bit

Finally Victor is able to free Mia from David's hold and Mia runs out crying and crashes into Dom's chest

"Mia!! Why are you crying?" asks a concerned Dom

" David .... David shouted at me and and bruised my wrist" says Mia showing her wrist like a baby showing its hurt

Dom is actually confused since David and Victor could never ever hurt or shout at Mia. If David has shouted at her means that she must have fucked up majorly.

He leads Mia back to the house. Roman follows and Roman is a bit annoyed with David for hurting Mia.

Dominic sees David fuming and pacing around. Dominic instantly is by David's side and looks at him. David doesn't say anything and gives the packet to Dom.

Dom checks the contents and is furious as well. He turns to Mia and looks at her.

" What is this Mia? Did you try it?" asks Dom calmly

Mia tells both Dom and Roman what happened.

" Is it something bad?" asks Mia

" Yes Kid it's a very bad thing. We are actually happy that you came and told us and didn't use to by yourself" says Roman putting his arms around her shoulder

" But why is David angry?" ask Mia softly

" I am not angry with you Muffin. I was angry with the person who have you this. This is a drug which can kill people and destroy their lives. I am happy that you came and told me Mia" says David walking upto her and pulling her for a hug.

" Mia will you be able to identify the person who have you this" asks Victor

" Oh yes! He looked so different and fun" says Mia

" What do you mean by different and fun?" asks Dom narrowing his eyes at her

" I mean he had his colourful hair, lip pierced and some tattoos as well. They looked super cool" says Mia excitedly.

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