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Nina sat with the other losers in the field near the train track. They were in a circle, listening intently to what Bev as she described dream she had had when she was unconscious in the sewers. It was early September, and school was due to start in a couple of days.

"I can only remember parts, but, I thought I was dead," she explained quietly. "That's what it felt like. I saw us, all of us together back in the cistern, but we were older, like, our parents' ages."

"What were we all doing there?" Nina asked nervously, shuddering a little at the thought of being her mum's age.

"I just remember how we felt," she sighed. "How scared we were. I don't think I can ever forget that."

They all sat in silence for a while until Bill spotted a shard of glass on the ground. He stood and picked it up.

"Swear it," he said. "S-Swear if It isn't dead, if It ever comes back, we'll come back, too."

They all hesitated a little, pondering on it before standing up, one by one. Bill held out his hand and made a cut in it with the glass, hissing a little in pain. He then went to Richie, who held out his hand and let Bill cut it, cringing in pain. Bill then went to Eddie, who held out his hand and looked away Bill cut it. Richie patted him on the shoulder. Bill then moved to Mike, then Stan, then Ben, then Bev. He finally landed on Nina, gently holding her hand in his. He ran the shard along her palm. She winced a little, but that was all. One by one, the losers took each others hands. They held onto each other for a few seconds, before letting go at the same time.

"I gotta go. I hate you," Stan sighed. Bill looked slightly shock, but Stan's face broke into a smile to indicated he was only joking. We all began to giggle, and then, waved goodbye to Stan as he left.

"Bye, guys," said Eddie, hugging Richie before leaving. Mike left afterwards.

"Bye, Mike," Bev called.

"See you later, losers," he called over his shoulder. Richie left after that.

"See you around, Bill," he said.

"See you, Rich," Bill called. Ben and Bev left afterwards. Nina made sure to hug Bev tightly before she left, as she was due to go to her aunts the next day and Nina doubted she would see Bev for a while after that. And then there were two. Bill and Nina sat beside one another on a log, smiling awkwardly at each other. Nina suddenly stood up, watching as Bill followed in hot pursuit.

"I'm gonna go," she said awkwardly. "Promised my mom I'd clean my room and it's still a fucking mess."

"Yeah," Bill nodded, chuckling nervously. "I-I should p-p-probably go too."

Nina nodded and gave Bill a small smile, however, neither of them left. The pair stared at each other, both pairs of eyes filled with longing and love. Without a second to think, Nina stepped forward and pressed her lips against Bill's. She felt him smile into the kiss as she placed her bloodied hand on his cheek. She shivered a little when he placed his hand on her waist. After about a minute, they both pulled away. Nina looked at Bill and gave him another small smile, before dashing away.

"See you later," she called over her shoulder, trying to remove the blush that had suddenly spread across her face.

Stick With Me - Bill DenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now