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For the following weeks after the fight, Nina had spoken to none of her friends, apart from Bill and Bev. She had tried to call on Eddie to see how his arm was, but Mrs Kaspbrak had turned her away, forbidding her from seeing Eddie ever again. She had also gone to the arcade to try and talk to Richie, but he had simply ignored her. She even tried to approach Ben in the library, but he just hurried away when he saw her. Nina was beginning to give up hope. She knew the only way they could defeat the clown was when they were all together, but something told her that wasn't going to happen.

A few weeks laters, Bill and Nina sat on their bikes by the lighthouse. The pair had been waiting for Bev for nearly half-an-hour, but she had still not shown up.

"Let's go to her place," Nina suggested. "She's probably just forgotten."

Bill nodded unsurely. They road over to the apartment block she lived in, abandoning their bikes on the road and hurrying upstairs. The door was open when they got there, so they entered, looking around nervously. Everything in the apartment was quiet and still. Nina shivered in fear.

"W-We shouldn't b-be in here," Bill began, but Nina shushed him.

"C'mon," she muttered. They crept through the apartment and down towards the hall.

"Beverly?" Bill called quietly, as the pair neared her room and the bathroom. Nina glanced over at the bathroom door, frowning as she noticed a small a wheezing sound coming from inside. With a frown, she looked in, her eyes widening as she saw Mr Marsh laying unconscious on the bathroom floor. He had a small bit of blood running down his cheek.

"Holy shit," Nina muttered. Bill gasped, backing up against the wall and looking into Bev's room, his eyes widening even more.

"Nina," he said shakily. She looked in, noticing something on the ceiling. Smudged across it, written in blood, were the words You die if you try.

"Holy fuck!" Nina exclaimed. "Who's blood is that?"

"It t-took her," he said, grabbing her hand. "C'mon."

They rushed out of the apartment and down the stairs. They had to get to the arcade. They had to find Richie and assemble the others. After riding into town, Nina and Bill both dumped their bikes in an alley and sprinted across the street to the arcade.

"Richie," Nina called, walking ahead of Bill and into the arcade. They went over to him, where he was playing Street Fighter. Richie glanced at them both for a split second, before returning his attention to his game.

"What do you want?" He snapped. "You see that guy I'm hitting? I'm pretending it's you."

"I-It got Beverly," Bill stammered out.

"What are you talking about?" Richie asked.

"It, Richie," Nina growled. "It got Beverly."

Richie stopped at his game, turning to face them in horror.

Stick With Me - Bill DenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now