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Nina Thompson drummed her feet in annoyance against the hard wood floors of the history classroom. Just two minutes until freedom. She could hardly wait.

It wasn't until the bell rang that Nina leapt to her feet and sprinted out the door of the classroom, bumping and shoving into multiple people as she sped out the door, muttering numerous apologies. In the faint distance, among the sea of prepubescent teenagers, were three familiar heads. With a grin, Nina sped up and joined her friends, almost instantly confused by what they were discussing.

"So, there's this church full of Jews, right?" said Eddie. "And Stan has to take this super Jewy test."

"But how's it work?" Bill frowned.

"They slice the tip of his dick off," said Eddie.

"You're joking, right?" Nina frowned.

"But then Stan will have nothing left!" Richie exclaimed in an appalled voice. As he said this, Stan ran up behind them, squashing in between Richie and Nina as the group continued down the hall.

"Hey, Stan, what happens at the Bar Mitzvah, anyways?" asked Bill. "Ed says they slice the tip of your d-dick off."

"Yeah, and I think the rabbi's gonna pull down your pants, turn to the crowd and say "Where's the meat?"" Richie joked, causing them all to burst into laughter.

"At the Bar Mitzvah, I read from the Torah, and then I make a speech and suddenly, I become a man," Stan explained.

"I could think of funner ways to become a man," Richie smirked.

""More fun" you mean."

Upon nearing the front exit to the school, they all had to speed up quite a lot when they passed the Bowers gang. Nina shuddered. Henry Bower's leering was enough to give her a panic attack.

"Think they'll sign my yearbook?" Richie asked. "Dear Richie, sorry for taking a hot, steaming dump in your backpack last March. Have a good summer."

Nina laughed loudly, instantly feeling a sense of relief. They walked out the school entrance and towards the trash bins at the front of the school.

"That was kind of disgusting," Nina agreed, flipping her backpack upside down over a trash bin and emptying out the contents of it.

"Best feeling ever," Stan sighed.

"Yeah?" Richie smirked. "Try tickling your pickle for the first time."

"Okay, ew," Nina grimaced, while shaking her head and attempting to extract her copy of Jane Eyre from the bin.

"Nina, you can't talk," Richie continued. "You'll never understand how it feels."

"And you would?" Nina scoffed.

"If you must know, I do," Richie exclaimed.

"I feel so sorry for the first woman who decides to have sex with you," Nina muttered.

"Hey, that can be arranged," Richie smirked, with a wink

"Beep b-beep, Richie," Bill frowned, looking away hurriedly when Nina's eyes met his.

"Hey, what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" Eddie asked, while putting his empty backpack on.

"I start my training," said Richie.

"Wait, what training?" Eddie frowned.

"Street Fighter," Richie shrugged.

"Is that how you wanna spend your summer?" Eddie scoffed. "Inside of an arcade?"

"Beats spending it inside of your mother," Richie joked, putting his hand up to Stan, who put it back down, refusing to give him a high-five. "Oh!"

"Nah, Mama Eds is right," Nina sighed, shaking her head. "We gotta get outside this Summer."

"What if we go to the quarry?" Stan suggested.

"Guys, we have the Barrens," said Bill.


Nina glanced over at the front of the school where the police were parked, standing with Betty Ripsom's mom. She looked completely drained and exhausted, but was looking at the school entrance in hope that her daughter would miraculously appear. Nina couldn't help but ache for the poor woman.

"Betty Ripsom's mom," Eddie muttered, and the others turned to look as well.

"Is she really expecting to see her come out of that school?" Stan asked.

"I don't know," sighed Eddie. "As if Betty Ripsom's been hiding at Home Ec. for the last few weeks."

"You think they'll actually find her?" Nina asked anxiously.

"Sure," Richie nodded. "In a ditch. All decomposed, covered in worms and maggots. Smelling like Eddie's mom's underwear."

"Jesus, Rich," Nina snapped.

"Shut up!" Eddie exclaimed. "That's freaking disgusting."

"She's not dead," said Bill. "She's m-missing."

"Sorry, Bill," Richie nodded, adjusting his glasses. "She's missing."

Bill turned around and the rest followed him away from the school. Despite the sad and mysterious disappearances of the children in Derry, Nina couldn't help but feel excited about the summer.

"You know the Barrens aren't that bad," Richie called. "Who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water?"

Without warning, Henry Bowers suddenly popped out of nowhere, grabbing Richie's backpack and throwing him onto the ground. Unfortunately, Stan and Nina were standing close behind Richie, meaning there was a domino effect and they all ended up on the ground.

"Nice Frisbee, flamer," Patrick Hockstetter teased, picking up Stan's kippah, which had fallen off his head, and keeping it out of Stan's reach.

"Give it back!" Stan cried. Patrick laughed maliciously and threw it at a passing school bus. The kippah fell through an open window and was subsequently lost forever. Richie started getting to his feet and held out an hand to help Nina up. She took it and was beginning to get up when Patrick grabbed the back of her ponytail and pulled her back onto the ground. Nina landed on Stan with a painful grunt.
"Sorry, Stan," She groaned.

"It's okay," he assured her, rubbing his chest where her elbow had jabbed into him. They walked towards the others, who were getting attacked by the rest of the gang.

"This summer's gonna be a hurt train for you and your faggot friends," Bowers said to Bill, licking his hand and wiping it on Bill's cheek, before he, Patrick and Belch walked over to Belch's car and climbed in.

"I wish he'd go missing," Richie grumbled.

"He's probably the one doing it," Eddie sighed.

The Losers Club

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