In The Impossible House 14 of 16

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Joon-sang says.

"Yeah. The doctor told me to undergo surgency as soon as possible."

They walk slowly between some trees that are evenly spaced. Yoo-jin asks him:

"When did Did you have  eyesight for a while?"

He replies matter-of-factly.

"No. After the surgery, when I woke up from the anesthesia, I found out I was blind."

He says plainly, in jest a bit.

"I guess that means I've become a resident of 'the Kingdom of Shadows'."

She is silent, recalling his second car accident: Joon-sang being carried to the operating room on a stretcher, covered by an oxygen mask.

 " Joon-sang!"

"Oh, Please!    No!   Please!"

Yoo-jin murmurs.

"You would deny it . But... but I knew it was surely my fault you got hurt."

She continues in a tearful voice.

"I... I'm sorry. Joon-sang...It's... "


He stops walking.

"Give me your hands."

He holds his palm out before him. Still sobbing, she looks at him hesitantly and puts her hands on his.

"Don't blame yourself, Yoo-jin. That is what hurts me the most."

Joon-sang gently wraps her hands in his.

"Don't apologize anymore. Though I think it's so you."

Feeling the warmth of his hand, she remembers how he, who was called Lee Min-hyeong at that time ,held her hands in his villa.

"I've wanted to hold your hands."


" I wanted to look into your eyes like this, and comfort you."


"It must have been hard for you...Yoo-jin-si."


There is a bench in a corner of the garden. The two are sitting hand in hand. The sun is beginning it slow descent. The shadows of them stretch long. Joon-sang says, while his chestnut-colored hair shining.

"Yoo-jin. How are your mother and sister. They are still in Chuncheon, aren't they?"

"Yes, They met me at the airport the day I came back from France. Mama was fine. My sister looked grown-up. She graduated from college a while ago and got a job. Time flies by so fast."

Yoo-jin turns to him.

"Your mother is fine too?"

"Oh, yes. She's traveling around the world for her recitals as much as before."

Yoo-jin remembers Kang Mee-hi's gorgeous looking. She thinks for a while and says, blinking.

"Well...actually I heard Mama got a letter from your mother. Maybe a few years ago."

He looks surprised.

"Mother wrote a letter to your mother? ...Really?"

(To be continued)

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