We're Here Now, Aren't We?

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April 13th, 1912- 8:50am

The next morning I woke up; I remembered none of my dream.

I was still half asleep when father walked into my bedroom.

"Y/n, Delaney, we are attending a party tonight. Jack is invited. Prepare your best clothes for this evening." 

Delaney was overjoyed- "A party?! Yes, father!" 

I silently grinned as I brushed my hair at the vanity. A party with Jack? This had so far been the best trip of my life. I put a dragonfly hair comb near the back of my head, dressed in a simple homemade dress, and left the room.

Once we got to the 1st class promenade deck, I began to look for Jack; he was nowhere to be found. My parents were concerned, but they knew we couldn't miss morning tea. 

The morning was chilly, so I was happy to get a hot cup of chamomile tea. My family and I sat on chairs near the rail, so I could look at the ocean, and try to calm down. I spent so much time thinking about Jack that I hadn't had much time to watch the stunning water. That's the reason we were here, after all. Yes, Jack was charming, but did I really like him, or is it just my imagination? 

The wind was very strong. My hair was down and blowing everywhere. I guess I forgot about the dragonfly hair comb, and before I could save it, it blew out of my hair and into the ocean. At least the water could have it now.

We all finished our tea and left the promenade deck. I had decided not to worry about Jack, because I knew he was a "free spirit." It was his fault he didn't come to tea.

The rest of my family went back into the stateroom, but I was excused to go to the top deck and take a walk. My dress draped over my feet so I just wore bedroom slippers. The ocean made me feel at peace, no matter how cold or windy it was. I walked to the stern of the ship and watched the churning water behind it, trying to clear my mind. Eventually, I walked back to the promenade deck and got another cup of tea.

Yes, the ocean distracted from the chill, but it got to me at one point. I didn't feel ready to go back to the room just yet, so I finished my tea and wrapped my arms around myself. I continued to think about the serenity of the water and ocean. I hadn't ever swam before, and I was definitely planning to when we got back! 

I zoned out for 5 minutes until Jack finally appeared. He noticed I was cold so he wrapped his coat around my shoulders.

"Good morning." He said.

"Hello, Jack."

I was a little angry that he had decided to miss tea, but I tried to ignore it.

"I'm really sorry I bailed today. Fabrizio was having trouble with a crew member."

I smiled. I was glad he acknowledged it. "That's alright. we're here now, aren't we?"

Jack laughed as I remembered the party invitation.

"Oh, my family and I are going to a 1st class party tonight, by invitation of J.J. Astor. We were wondering if you would like to come."

"Yes, of course! I would love to, y/n!" 

"You do have a suit, right?" I asked.

"Uhm.. n- no, "

"Oh, that's alright. I'm sure my father has one that would fit you."

Jack and I walked back to our stateroom. I skipped to my bedroom as I heard my father and Jack talking in a separate room. I was the happiest I had ever been.

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