I'm Sorry For Being Late.

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April 11th, 1912- 5:24am

It was a bright morning. the rising sun was shining on my face. Right when I sat up I was greeted by the drawing that Jack had made. I smiled to myself; it was only 5:24am but I started getting ready to see if he was up, too. I put on a baby pink light-fabric morning dress. It wasn't my favorite, but I wanted to get out as soon as possible- in case he was about to leave. 

I quietly tried to sneak out of the stateroom without anyone noticing, but my father was already up, so it was no use.

"And what do you think you're doing, young lady?"

"I'm sorry, father. I wanted to see if Jack was already outside."

After thinking carefully for a little, he sighed: "Be back in an hour."

"Thank you, father!" I smiled.

I walked down the hall and up the Grand Staircase, opening the door to the top deck. The chilly air blew my hair out of my face for me. Once again, Jack was there, lying on a bench. He sat up when he heard the soft clicking of my shoes.

"Good morning, m'lady," He grinned. "Such a coincidence meeting you again."

I laughed, sitting next to him. "And to you, kind sir."

We sat, talking, and lost track of time. We talked about everything from our personal lives to our least favorite fabrics. 

"Velvet doesn't make me very happy. It's always grossed me out." Jack cringed.

I was very surprised. "Velvet is one of my favorites!"

"Well then if you like it, I like it." Jack replied. I blushed.

Before I knew it, it had been an hour and 20 minutes since I left. I caught a glimpse of a crew member's pocket watch and gasped.

"What's wrong, y/n?" Jack seemed concerned, and I couldn't blame him.

"I promised my father I would only be out for an hour, and it's been far longer than that! I need to get back."

"Mind if I walk you back?" Jack looked straight at my eyes.

"No, not at all!" I looked back at him.

Arm in arm, we walked back to my 2nd class stateroom. Right outside the door, I asked: "By the way, which room are you in?"

"I don't really know. It's third class, though. Something not fit for a girl like you."

"That can't be true."

"Well I'm sorry to disappoint. Anyway, I guess I'll see you later y/n. Until then!"

"Goodbye, Jack!"

I walked into my stateroom. My whole family was in the living room, looking very panicked. We all stood until my mother finally broke the silence.

"Y/n, we've been worried sick!"

My father's serious expression told me everything I needed to know. "I told you to be back in an hour. It has been an hour and thirty-two minutes. I am very disappointed."

 My angel sister stood with her arms crossed. I continued to look around at my family.

My mother glanced at father, as though sharing a moment of frustration. "We heard your conversation from outside the door. I admire your joy, but I don't think you should be associating with a 3rd class passenger."

I was close to crying, but I managed to push out a measly: "Yes, mother. I'm sorry for being late." 

I slowly and quietly walked to my bedroom with my head down. Once I got to there, I laid down on my bed with tears in my eyes. I had never really gotten in trouble much as a kid. I cried myself back to sleep until it was noon. My family went out for tea without me.

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