The monster i created

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Hello everyone welcome to my last chapter of this story :

For today I'm going to do it from yours and silcos pov instead what I did before and where's some warnings

Death , mention of guns and suicide ... that's it


I was running through the streets of the undercity trying to find sevika and tell her what's happened

I arrived at the last drop , panicking and trying to find her until I went to the end of the bar and saw here with some goons playing a game of cards


Sevika look up from her cards with a surprised look on her face before she stood and told the goons to follow her including me

We were searching high and low for where jinx could've be with Silco until me and sevika came up with the same thought ...

The burned down lobster (I think that what it was ) factory !! She has to have brought him there

We ran to the factory before we decided to hide in plain sight hoping jinx wouldn't see us but silco did and low and behold there they were ...
Silco ,jinx ... and caitlyn and vi ?

There was a tea party themed set up while Vi was tied to a chair one end of the table while Silco was tied to another chair at the other end of the table while caitlyn was gaged and tied to a chair

Silco was also gaged and he was staring at us wide eyed ,while jinx was rambling on and on about something until we heard she hit someone ,she hit caitlyn while she started to cry

Not long after vi was trying to get jinx to side with her by calling her powder and telling her sweet nothings, while Silco was shouting through his gag before jinx pulled it away from his mouth

After jinx pulled away the gag he started yelling and arguing with vi while I noticed jinx started to argue with herself ... hugging and crying to herself and I knew exactly what was wrong with her .. the hallucinations she's been having

I came out of the shadows and tried to comfort her but she went feral at me,pulling her gun out before Silco caught her attention

"Don't do this ! It's only us ... your OUR daughter ..."

That wasn't enough for jinx before she turned back around and aimed her gun at me while Silco panicked grab a gun that jinx threw beside him earlier and aimed at her but it was to late ..

She fired the shots and all I saw was white ....

———-/silcos pov/———

I'm a rage and  panic , I couldn't  think straight and before I knew it I hear jinx firing her machine gun and seen y/n go lifeless ...

"Oh no... no no no no .. I'm sorry !im so sorry!"
Jinx ran towards y/n aswell as I
(Why is this so cringy 🥶🥶)
Pushing jinx away from both of us while sevika  began to run towards us while the goons went to release vi and caitlyn

I scooped y/n up and left the factor not caring where jinx and the rest went and began to make my way to singe ,hoping he could help
It was months after y/ns death, Silco didn't take it very well ,he still couldn't find Lana he assumed she was dead after the attack in the mines

Silco was months behind on shimmer production so sevika had to take care of it

Jinx came back to the office everyday trying to apologise but all Silco did was turning her away

Today was jinx's final day apologising at the office

"Da- Silco please ! I'm so sorry .. I didn't mean to ! I - I blanked out ... please ..."

Silco made his way over from the desk to his betraying daughter and patted her shoulder

"I would've never given you to them ... our her ... don't cry ... your perfect ..."
And With that Silco turned jinx around and let her out of the office before closing the door for the final time and locking it ...
That was the last thing Silco had ever done ...

The end ...

ik it's shit but I have other stories to do / lie it's only one story but oh well ...

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