Old friend

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It was a while since y/n had her "chat" with vander , she decided to get into her lessons because she found out her father was ill and y/n wanted to make him proud by becoming a successful young woman

Here she was with caitlyn just outside piltover in the woods shooting down obstacles,you see it was a race between caitlyn and y/n against chief Grayson ..

Just as y/n spotted Grayson she yelled "RUN QUICK BEFORE SHE GETS THE LAST ONE!"
Y/n and caitlyn sprinted to the last obstacle and caitlyn shot it down before the chief

The game was over ! They won! The girls jumped up and down with joy hugging each other before being handed their trophy

The after party was held in a nice little house (idk what it is it kinda looked like a house) y/ns mother and father were talking and laughing with caitlyns parents ,y/n spotted chief Grayson and nudged caitlyn to grab her attention  y/n gave caitlyn a smirk ,they both had the same thought ..

The girls followed Grayson to the balcony and started to annoy her
"They paid you didn't they?.."
"Our parents ..they paid you to let us win... didn't they.."
"Of course not.."
The girls weren't buying it
"Yeah right ..."
"Look girls .. if it makes you feel better .. that trophy wouldn't mean anything to me ... my trophy is my work.. my home  ..my city .. it's what I'm fighting for ... what are you fighting for ?"

Caitlyn scoffed and walked off but y/n stayed zoned out.. what was she fighting for..

It was later on that evening and y/n still couldn't get that last sentence out of her head .. what is she fighting for ...
He thoughts got distracted by someone banging on her window or was it jayce upstairs banging some girl like he always did .. jayces room was just above y/ns and my god he goes hard core to those whores

Then she heard a the noise again.. she shot her head to the window and saw a fimilar face ..
Silcos ?

She opened the window and let him in ... he was drenched in blood and water ...
"Help .help me please ..."
"SILCO..what happened ?"
"Vander he went ape shit and .. tried to drown me .. i don't know what came over him.."
She heard him mumble something else but he winced in pain before grabbing his eye ..
"Let me see what-"
Silco removed his hand from his eye and my god it was horrific

His left eye was completely black except for his now orange pupil , blood dripping out of his eye
"It's infected-"
DONT I KNOW THAT ... I-I'm sorry .. please .. help me"
Silco now crying,y/n brought him to her bathroom and stared a bath for him
"W-why a bath?"
"To heat up your body it's freezing and to clean you your filthy !"
As soon as the bath filed y/n went to leave Silco alone but he grabbed her hand

"Stay.. please"
She saw the pain and fear in his eye (get it eye because he has .. srry dark humour )
Y/n sat on the floor while she watched Silco get into the bath

A few minutes went by and y/n noticed he wasn't washing his hair
"I'm scared ... I can't do it .. please can you help.."
Y/n nodded her head while she got up and started putting shampoo in his hair while he fidget with her nightgown

Y/n went to put silcos head down in the water before he screamed in fear begging her not to .. she forgot

Y/n grabbed a cup and began to put it under the water and pour it over silcos head ,he covered his face while doing that

While Silco dried off and bandaged up his eye , y/n snuck into Jayces room where he and his whore were sleeping , she grabbed a pair of shorts ,t-shirt and underwear from Jayces draw and left quitely

She walked back into her room and went into the bathroom to give Silco the clothes ... he looked at her oddly

"Their jayces .. he won't mind.."
Silco just nodded his head and closed the door

Moments passed and Silco came out ,he laughed .. the shorts were to big on him.. of course jayce had a better body frame than silcos

Y/n giggled before getting a hair tie and tieing the shorts up

There Silco was sleeping in the same bed as y/n, he was sound asleep but y/n couldn't .. why would vander do that .. especially to his best friend .. who was like a brother to him ...

Y/n eventually drifted off only for a short moment though before she jumped up hearing silcos blood curdling scream

"No no no I can't close my eyes without seeing vander trying to .."
Silco began sobbing ,y/n just held him close to her chest while resting her head on his and stroking her fingers along his back

"Y/n.. promise me something?"
"Promise you'll never leave me .. I have no one .."
Y/n indeed keep that promise for many years .....

Next chapter will be a huge time jump

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