The gifting

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It was a few days since young y/n has last seen the boy she bumped into ,as know as Silco ...

Today was a special day for the kiramman family .. y/n,jayce,viktor and caitlyn were getting their gifts from the unknown sorcerer

It was late afternoon and y/n was getting ready with the help of her nanny well y/n didn't think of her as any kind of nanny .. she was y/ns best friend since she wasn't really aloud any due to her fathers suspicion about the cruelty of the world well more like the underground .. her father didn't want his daughter to get mixed with those kids ... well if you call them kids more like savages .. would kill for a slice of bread and his poor precious y/n wouldn't last a day with those savages ,they would eat her alive .. so he kept her and jayce away from society only to be seen at public meetings nothing more

Y/n stood infront of her mirror admiring her self ... she never looked this pretty before .. she always loved to get messy and mess about with jayce and viktor but again her father never let her ... she needed to be a lady like her older sisters were training to be ... god she hated her older sister cylia always picking on y/n except for Delilah ..she always had a soft spot for y/n ... they were very close and were inseparable from each other

Y/n and the rest of the children were brought away to some place .. a place they haven't been before ... they were joined by crowds of people, some from piltover and some from the underground ,they immediately separated into 2 piles , piltover on one side and under-grounders on the others

Y/n could see the sorcerer from where she was .. the sorcerer was talking to someone , when y/n reached where she was supposed to stand she immediately identified who the sorcerer was talking to .. Silco

Y/n ran up to the boy and flung her arms around him ,the crowds gasped in shock and terror .. what was Apollo thinking of. This . His daughter with a filthy undergrounder
"Y/n.get.away.from.that.filth." Her father spoke aggressive while her mother grabbed her back , silcos father went up to him and slappped the boy in the back of the head while muttering that he was a silly  boy and he'll be punished when he got home , Silco looked down in shame and that's when y/n realised that Silco had a huge bruise under his eye it was more like he got a black eye .. but why ?

The ceremony soon started,y/n,jayce,viktor ,caitlyn and the new girl Mel stood at one side of the sorcerer while Silco stood alone the other side of him

The sorcerer didn't speak instead her father did apologising for y/ns actions from earlier and beginning the ceremony

"Fathers gonna kill you"
"Shut up.. it was just a hug.."
"Yeah with some dirty..filthy..smelly..disgusting.. ug-"
Y/n shouted at her brother ,the place goes silent .. all eyes on y/n

"Y/n stop that nonsense now!"
Her father grunted before continuing on what he was saying, y/n glanced at Silco who was slightly smiling at what y/n had said and defended him

The gifts were giving

Jayce he was granted as the god of strength
Viktor ,he was the god if intelligence
Mel got gifted goddess of nature
Caitlyn ,the goddess of peace
But y/n got a weird one she was not just granted with one gift oh no,she was granted with all powers ..which meant  she was a goddess of well lots

But Silco was gifted the god of chaos .. some piltys laughed and muttered that was not a surprise of course he's gifted the good of chaos ..look at him,

Y/n could tell the boy was hurt by the words the piltys were saying but he immediately got cheered up by under-grounders cheering and
Applauding for the young boy saying they were proud of him .. y/n also joined in with the under-grounders by clapping her hands for him

The ceremony ended soon and everyone was started to leave .. the after party would be starting soon in the kiramman house , the celebration worth going to

Y/n was getting ready to
Leave but decided to go find Silco and see if he was ok , she eventually finds him, eating something
"You hungry?"
The boy was startled and almost chocked on whatever he was eating
"Uh n-no.. sorry"
"Oh no it ok.. it was just your were eating that like there was no tomorrow..if you want you can come back with me .. and we can get lots of food .."
"What kind?"
The boy was hesitate ..he was already in enough trouble with his father because of this girl .. he'd be even more if  his dad found out he was with this girl again

"Follow me and you'll find out.."

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