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This part of the story was inspired by infinity by jaymes young
(Y/n,Silco ,vander are now 16)
From that day when y/n brought those boys hot meals ,the became inseparable,the best trio going

Sure y/ns been friends with vander for only two years  and she got to know Silco more ,realising how attractive he was ,she tried to brush off those feelings she was having when she saw him or when she thought about him late at night while trying to sleep
Was that normal? She asked herself

It was an average night for y/n , she had her meal ,got changed into a more normal outfit..she didn't want to stand out in zaun knowing how dangerous it is down there but also she didn't want to make vander and Silco feel like shit since she was in nice and neat clothes while they were walking around in rags

Y/n headed to zaun to meet up with her pals and she did

The boys told her their plan ,go to vanders fathers bar, get absolutely wasted and have a great time sound like a good plan to y/n

The trio headed to bar which was called the last drop and headed inside to be greeted with the smell of alcohol,cigarettes and vomit

Y/n hated the smell but what can you expect it's the underground after all

Y/n and the boys sat at stools at the bar where vanders father was serving up people their drinks before Turing his attention to his son and his friends
" the usual.. strongest of what I got for the boys and something soft for the lady"
" correct!" silco replied cockily

The man served the trio their drinks and went back to what he was doing before hand

Silco and vander guzzled their drinks while y/n sipped on hers

The boys had a few more rounds of drinks before they both became wasted

Vander was dancing with some random girls while Silco remained hunched over the stool leaning his head in the table

"You ok?" Y/n asked concern-ly only to be replied with a groan

"Wanna dance?" Silco asks while slightly turning his head to face y/n

Y/n smiled and nodded her head while taking silcos hand and leading him to the dance floor , they got into a position which they were comfortable with , y/n leaning her head on silcos shoulder while he rested his chin on her head ,both their arms wrapped around each other while the song played

"I'm a mad man for your touch, girl I lost control"
silco sloppy sang along with the song before continuing

"I'm gonna make it last forever don't tell me it's impossible.."

Silco slowly began to life your chin up so you both were facing each other

"Cause I'll love for infinity"
He began to lower his face
"I'll love for an infinity "
As the best drops he places his lips
On top of y/n , immediately melting into the kiss ,y/n kisses him back

"Let's go somewhere more .. private?"

A/n next chapter will contain smut (I think) it'll be my first time
Writing it so please don't judge
I'm not that professional 😂

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